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Driver Interface

This document describes the interface between user space applications and the Terragraph driver and firmware.


The E2E minion is responsible for communicating with the Terragraph driver and firmware via its DriverApp thread. DriverApp uses a ZMQ pair socket (ZMQ_PAIR) to send and receive messages with the driver interface (driver-if). driver-if then communicates with the Terragraph driver over a Netlink socket.


Normally, driver-if runs as another thread on the E2E minion process (spawned by the Minion main class). driver-if can run also in daemon mode without DriverApp or other E2E minion modules by passing the --driver_if_only flag.

A dedicated ZmqMonitor instance is also spawned in a separate thread for pushing driver and firmware stats (refer to Stats, Events, Logs for further details).

driver-if is a subclass of BaseDriverIf, and holds a corresponding Netlink socket subclass of BaseNetlinkSocket. The subclasses are based on the machine's architecture, listed in the table below. Note that the x86 classes are intended for emulation only and are largely incomplete.


Message Handling

Upon receiving a message from the Netlink socket, driver-if does the following:

  1. Convert the Netlink message to a DriverNlMessage instance using the ArmNetlinkSocket::recvFunc_() callback.
  2. Convert the DriverNlMessage to the corresponding thrift::Message structure using DriverIfUtil::driverNl2IfMessage().
  3. Filter out and handle specific messages, including:
    • DR_RESP - log driver acknowledgements
    • FW_STATS, DR_STAT_PUSH - publish stats from the firmware or driver to ZmqMonitor
    • FW_HEALTHY - write firmware health status for the watchdog
    • FW_PPS_HTSF_INFO - HTSF timing information
  4. Forward remaining messages through the pair socket using BaseDriverIf::sendToDriverApp().

Upon receiving a message from the pair socket, driver-if does the following:

  1. Handle the thrift::Message by invoking the corresponding function within BaseDriverIf::processMessage().
  2. Convert the thrift::Message structure to a DriverNlMessage instance, then send it to the driver as a Netlink message using ArmNetlinkSocket::sendMessage().

driver-if publishes the following stats related to Netlink I/O:

  • - number of Netlink messages received successfully
  • - number of Netlink messages received unsuccessfully


Some other notable features of driver-if are described below.

Firmware Codebook Management

The firmware downloads codebooks (tables of antenna weights) from driver-if via FW_GET_CODEBOOK requests (thrift::CodebookFetchReq), which specify a channel and range of beams. In order to respond with the correct codebook, driver-if maintains state learned from the NODE_INIT and NODE_INIT_NOTIFY message sequence for each radio, and captures relevant information (i.e. vendor, initial beamforming procedure type, codebook variant) using the ArmDriverIf::RadioProperties struct. driver-if will load codebooks on demand and cache them for the lifecycle of the process.

GPS Management

driver-if contains an optional feature (enabled via the node configuration flag envParams.GPSD_ENABLED) to connect to a local gpsd socket (on port 2947). When enabled, BaseDriverIf creates a separate thread to read events from gpsd using the GpsdClient class, which does the following:

  • Forwards all received timestamps to each firmware instance via GPS_SEND_TIME once per second (only if timingParams.PPS_TIMESTAMP_SOURCE is set to "GPS" in the node configuration).
  • Pushes GPS stats via DR_STAT_PUSH.
  • Forwards received location data to each firmware instance via GPS_SET_POS_REQ once only.

For more details, see Timing and Synchronization.

PPS Timestamp Forwarding

More generally, driver-if can forward 1PPS timestamps to Terragraph firmware from the following sources (timingParams.PPS_TIMESTAMP_SOURCE in the node configuration) to enable GPS/PPS sync mode:

  • GPS, via GpsdClient (as described above).
  • PTP hardware clock, via PTPClockHelper. This utilizes a separate thread to read EXTTS events from a PTP device (timingParams.PTP_DEVICE) using the ioctl command PTP_EXTTS_REQUEST.
  • Software HTSF messages from Terragraph firmware, via BaseDriverIf. On multi-radio nodes with a common PPS signal to all baseband sectors, the software HTSF PPS timestamps received from one RF sync sector are sent to the other sectors to enable PPS sync mode. When multiple sectors are publishing HTSF timestamps, driver-if picks the "source" sector based on the first message received, and will not switch to a different source sector until timingParams.HTSF_MAX_LOOP_SIZE * 13 seconds have elapsed in order to avoid timing loops in the network; this delay is based on the number of missed seconds (PPS timestamps) before firmware will transition from PPS to RF sync (or bring down a link). Alternatively, the source sector can be hardcoded via the node configuration field timingParams.HTSF_SRC_MAC.

driver-if publishes the following stats to help monitor the state of timestamp forwarding:

  • tgd.gpsStat.MAC.numTsSent - number of GPS timestamps forwarded to MAC (only valid if timingParams.PPS_TIMESTAMP_SOURCE is set to "GPS")
  • tgd.ptp.MAC.numTsSent - number of PTP hardware clock timestamps forwarded to MAC
  • tgd.htsf.MAC.numTsSent - number of software HTSF timestamps forwarded to MAC
PTP Hardware Clock Sync

driver-if can be configured to synchronize a node's PTP (Precision Time Protocol) hardware clock based on 1PPS messages from a given timing reference (timingParams.PTP_TIMER_SOURCE in the node configuration) by correcting for phase offset and drift. The PTP clock is synchronized to GPS time (not UTC). Possible timing sources include a GPS device and software/hardware HTSF messages from Terragraph firmware.

Currently, the following clock types are supported:

  • NXP DPAA2 (Data Path Acceleration Architecture Gen2) PTP clock, via direct register access.
  • VSC 10G "Malibu" PHY LTC (local time counter) clock, via a custom datagram socket protocol patched over the user-space "MESA" API. This can be enabled by setting the node configuration field envParams.PTP_VSC_CTRL_SOCKET to any valid path, which will be used for communication between e2e_minion and malibu_char.

Performance Requirements

driver-if must be able to process messages in a timely manner, and major issues may emerge here if the host CPU is overloaded. Some common examples are described below.

  • PPS timestamp forwarding. On PPS sync nodes, driver-if must reliably send timestamps to Terragraph firmware once per second, and 10 missed seconds may cause a link to go down.

    • Signs: LINK_DOWN events with reason SYSTEM_GPS_SYNC_IN_PROG; incrementing counter tgf.MAC.gps.numMissedSec (despite stable GPS fix, if applicable)
    • Workarounds: Increase scheduling priority of gpsd (if applicable) or driver-if, e.g. using the nice command
  • Netlink communication. driver-if must receive northbound messages from Terragraph firmware faster than they are produced to avoid dropping any Netlink messages.

    • Signs: Netlink errors reported by driver-if and Terragraph driver (ex. ENOBUFS), esp. as number of wireless links increases; incrementing counter
    • Workarounds: Reduce firmware stats frequency (radioParamsBase.fwParams.statsLogInterval); omit some firmware stats categories (radioParamsBase.fwStatsConfig.<category> = false)

Message Formats

driver-if handles the translation between Thrift messages (user space) and Netlink messages (driver).

Netlink types are enumerated in tgd_nlsdn_commands, defined inside nl-driver-if/fb_tgd_nlsdn_common.h. These are manually mapped to DriverNlMessageType enum values inside driver-if/DriverNlMessage.h.


All Thrift messages to and from the driver use the same thrift::DriverMessage base structure defined in DriverMessage.thrift:

struct DriverMessage {
1: binary value;
2: string radioMac;

value contains the compact-serialized binary value of the actual Thrift structure, and radioMac is the origin or destination baseband MAC address required for multi-baseband boards.

Note that this structure must be wrapped inside of a thrift::Message structure, like with all other messages (refer to Communication Protocol for further details). Thus, the actual message type is double-serialized, and the mType field in the outer structure describes the message type of the actual message (i.e. innermost structure).

Messages directly between driver-if and firmware use the pass-through (PassThru) framework, with messages defined in PassThru.thrift. The base message type is thrift::PassThruMsg, with all possible messages embedded as nested structures and a separate message type field, msgType, enumerated in thrift::PtMsgTypes. When sending pass-through messages over Netlink, the DriverNlMessageType type for southbound messages (i.e. towards firmware) is PASSTHRU_SB and the type for northbound messages (i.e. towards driver-if) is PASSTHRU_NB.

Command-Line Interfaces

When run in daemon mode, interaction with driver-if is typically done via CLI applications, described below.

"r2d2" CLI

r2d2 is a Python-based command-line utility solely for communicating with driver-if and its ZmqMonitor instance. This is mainly used for debugging and automated testing purposes. For further implementation details, refer to descriptions of the tg CLI, which has a similar architecture (see "tg" CLI).

"tg2" CLI

The majority of r2d2 functionality is also provided as part of the Lua-based tg2 CLI. Commands and syntax are nearly identical, although there may be minor differences between argument/option names, program output, description text, etc. A table mapping r2d2 commands to tg2 commands is given below:

r2d2 commandtg2 command
r2d2 *tg2 fw *
r2d2 fw_statstg2 stats driver-if
r2d2 fw_set_golay
r2d2 sync_bf_slot_exclusion_req
r2d2 sync_scan


  • gpsd - GPS service daemon