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Local Web Interface

This document describes the implementation of the local administrative web interface.


Terragraph provides a proof-of-concept web portal that is accessible over Wi-Fi, with the primary purpose of enabling easy initial setup. This currently supports status monitoring, configuration editing, assoc/dissoc actions, topology scans, and more.

The web portal is disabled by default. To access the web portal, the following steps are required:

  1. Enable the web server in node config (envParams.WEBUI_ENABLED).
  2. Connect to the ESP32 Wi-Fi network (PSK: facebook).
  3. Visit in a web browser.

There are two components involved: a web server (webui) and UI (tg95), both described in sections below. For more details on the Wi-Fi architecture, refer to Wi-Fi.

Web Server

The local HTTP server (webui) is written in C++ using µWebSockets, chosen for its small footprint. The server contains three types of endpoints:

  1. REST APIs for management
  2. Websocket endpoints for streaming stats
  3. Static file serving for the UI (tg95)

webui is installed via recipes-utils/webui/ Sources are located in recipes-utils/webui/files/src/webui/, with routes defined in WebUI.cpp and implemented in WebRoute.cpp.


The experimental "Terragraph95" UI (tg95) is written in React and bootstrapped with Create React App. To accommodate slow UART speeds, bundle size is reduced by substituting React with Preact, code splitting, etc.

tg95 is installed via recipes-utils/webui/ Sources are located in src/tg95/. An optimized build is checked in to src/tg95/build/, which gets installed to /etc/webui/tg95.tar.gz and is extracted by webui in its sv startup script.
