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Stats, Events, Logs

This document describes Terragraph's monitoring infrastructure for pushing network stats, events, and logs.


This section describes the services which collect and export data.

Stats Agent

Terragraph nodes utilize the ZmqMonitor feature of fbzmq to collect stats and events. ZmqMonitor provides a submit port (a ZMQ router socket) to which different system components can send generated stats. It also provides a publish port to which multiple consumers can listen and receive updates on generated stats and events. Apps generating stats can use ZmqMonitorClient to easily inject stats into ZmqMonitor. Stat keys have arbitrary names, generally with period (.) delimiters; stats published from driver-if may also contain a null character (\0) delimiter followed by the originating radio MAC address. The Thrift type for stats is fbzmq::thrift::MonitorPub (defined in Monitor.thrift), with a pubType of fbzmq::thrift::PubType::COUNTER_PUB.

Each node runs a dedicated "stats agent" process (stats_agent) which collects all generated stats and events via ZmqMonitor and periodically publishes them to configured external endpoints. The stats agent uses the node ID (MAC address) as its source entity. The controller also runs a stats agent instance for its stats and events (and uses a dummy MAC address as its source entity). On the controller, the stats agent reads the controller configuration file instead of the node configuration file.

The stats agent subscribes to all sockets specified in the configuration under the statsAgentParams.sources key. By default, the stats agent listens to and publishes stats/events from the following sources:

SourcePublish ZMQ URL

The "system" source is a local ZmqMonitor instance within the stats agent. This is used by the following:

  • LocalStatsFetcher thread to collect and push various system stats, such as VPP stats (when envParams.DPDK_ENABLED is set), Open/R stats (when statsAgentParams.collectors.openrStatsEnabled is set), and various local counters relating to network interfaces, processes, memory, CPU, etc. By default, the thread will collect stats every 30 seconds (statsAgentParams.collectors.systemStatsCollectionInterval), but can be modified based on the desired low or high frequency publishing intervals (see below).
  • InputListener thread to push events sent directly to the stats agent (e.g. tg2 event CLI).

There are three consumers of the same data within the stats agent:

  • KafkaPublisher - Pushes the collected data to a given Kafka cluster. This is configured under the node configuration structure statsAgentParams.endpointParams.kafkaParams.
  • NmsPublisher - Pushes the collected data to the NMS aggregator. This service has been deprecated in favor of Kafka, but can be manually enabled in the node configuration structure statsAgentParams.endpointParams.nmsPublisherParams. Stats and events are collectively sent in a STATS_REPORT message, and a small set of whitelisted stats are sent more frequently in a HIGH_FREQUENCY_STATS_REPORT message (e.g. for real-time data during node installation and alignment).
  • GraphPublisher - Pushes the collected data to Meta internal endpoints (Scribe, ODS, Pelican) for storage and analysis, and is disabled by default.

The data format for counter-type (fbzmq::thrift::CounterValueType::COUNTER) stats is determined by the following node configuration fields, which must be consistent across all nodes:

  • statsAgentParams.publisherParams.convertToRate - If set, counters will be published as computed rates, otherwise they will be published as raw values with field isCounter = true.
  • statsAgentParams.publisherParams.publishValueWithRate - If this and "convertToRate" are both set, then 2 keys will be published for each counter:
    • <key name> (isCounter = true) containing the raw value
    • <key name>.rate (isCounter = false) containing the computed rate

Events that were not successfully transmitted to a Kafka broker (by KafkaPublisher) or the NMS aggregator (by NmsPublisher) are cached to /tmp/events.json and /tmp/kafka_events.json, respectively, upon stats agent shutdown, and are loaded again during initialization. A watchdog script,, moves these cache files to /data/ upon a graceful Linux shutdown.

Fluent Bit

Terragraph nodes can push log files to Fluentd servers via a Fluent Bit client process (fluent-bit) when server endpoints are provided under the fluentdParams.endpoints node configuration structure. Where possible, logs are tagged with mac_addr holding the node ID, and node_name and topology_name as given in the controller's topology.

The set of log files is specified in the node configuration under the fluentdParams.sources structure, containing the following defaults (depending on hardware type):



Each Terragraph node can run a "logtail" process (logtail) which tails a set of log files and publishes them to the central aggregator. This feature has been deprecated in favor of Fluent Bit, but can be enabled via node configuration field envParams.LOGTAIL_ENABLED. Unlike the stats agent, logtail is not used on the controller, and sends its MAC address to the aggregator (via LogPublisher) in every message (SYSLOG_REPORT). The set of log files is specified under the node configuration structure logTailParams.sources, and contains the same defaults as Fluent Bit.


When enabled via the node configuration field envParams.SNMP_ENABLED, Terragraph nodes will run a Net-SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) daemon process (snmpd) alongside a Terragraph SNMP agent process (snmp_agent) which can be polled for statistics. The SNMP agent registers TERRAGRAPH-RADIO-MIB to handle all requests for the MIB (Management Information Base). The MIB for Terragraph radio stats is located in src/terragraph-stats/src/mib.


This section describes the services which aggregate data.


Data pushed to Kafka via stats_agent (on nodes and the controller) can be accessed in topics defined under the statsAgentParams.endpointParams.kafkaParams.topics node configuration structure. The data in each topic is a string representing a JSON-serialized Thrift structure. The default topic names and their data formats are given in the table below.

Topic NameData Format


Logs pushed to Fluentd servers via fluent-bit (on nodes) are tagged with the value log.node.<name> (where <name> is the corresponding key from the node configuration structure fluentdParams.sources) and may contain the following fields:

mac_addrNode ID (MAC address)
node_nameNode name (from topology)
topology_nameTopology name

Also note that certain application crash traces are sent as multiline logs.

NMS Aggregator

When enabled, the central aggregator (nms_aggregator) receives stats, events, and logs from stats_agent and logtail processes as described above. It periodically pushes this data upstream via HTTP POST requests to endpoints defined in the aggregator configuration file (under dataEndpoints):

Statshost + statsWriterSuffix
High-frequency statshost + highFreqStatsWriterSuffix
Eventshost + events_writer
Logshost + logs_writer

This data is pushed every 30 seconds (data_publish_interval_s) by default; high-frequency stats are pushed every 1 second (high_frequency_data_publish_interval_s).

Data formats for each category are shown below.


"topology": {
"name": <topology name : string>,
"interval": <stats push interval (in seconds) : int>,
"agents": [
"mac": <source MAC address : string>,
"name": <source node name (or empty) : string>,
"site": <source node site (or empty) : string>,
"stats": [
"ts": <unix timestamp (microseconds) : long>,
"key": <key name : string>,
"value": <raw value or rate (for counters) : double>,
... <more stats>
... <more nodes>


"topology": {
"name": <topology name : string>,
"agents": [
"mac": <source MAC address : string>,
"name": <source node name (or empty) : string>,
"site": <source node site (or empty) : string>,
"events": [
"timestamp": <unix timestamp (seconds) : long>,
"source": <event source : string>,
"reason": <event description : string>,
"details": <JSON-formatted event details : string>,
"category": <event category : enum(thrift::EventCategory)>,
"eventId": <event ID : enum(thrift::EventId)>,
"level": <event level : enum(thrift::EventLevel)>,
"entity": <event entity : string>,
"nodeId": <source node ID (MAC address) : string>,
"topologyName": <topology name : string>,
"nodeName": <node name : string>
... <more events>
... <more nodes>

Sample "events" entry:

"timestamp": 1549494973,
"source": "minion-app-IGNITION_APP",
"reason": "Sending assoc request for neighbor 00:00:00:10:0b:4a",
"details": "{\"linkStatusType\":1,\"responderMac\":\"00:00:00:10:0b:4a\",\"responderNodeType\":2,\"responderNodePolarity\":2,\"initiatorMac\":\"00:00:00:10:0b:44\"}",
"category": 100,
"eventId": 102,
"level": 10,
"entity": "00:00:00:10:0b:44",
"nodeId": "00:00:00:10:0b:44",
"topologyName": "Lab F8 B",
"nodeName": "terra111.f5.tb.a404-if"

The list of event categories, IDs, and levels is defined in Event.thrift.

Events can be used to generate alarms, using event data in the following way:

  • eventId - shared for all directly associated events (e.g. link up/down)
  • level - implicitly defines raising or clearing an alarm (e.g. ERROR to raise and INFO to clear)
  • entity - an arbitrary string used to differentiate events with the same ID (e.g. node ID, link name)
  • nodeId - the node ID (MAC address) that the event/alarm should be associated with
  • nodeName - the node name associated with the node ID


"topology": {
"name": <topology name : string>,
"agents": [
"mac": <source MAC address : string>,
"name": <source node name (or empty) : string>,
"site": <source node site (or empty) : string>,
"logs": [
"ts": <unix timestamp (microseconds) : long>,
"file": <file name : string>,
"log": <log line : string>,
... <more logs>
... <more nodes>

Common Stats

Some common stat formats are shown in the table below.

TG Firmwaretgftgf.<remote MAC address>.<key name>tgf.00:00:00:10:0b:40.staPkt.mcs
TG Drivertgdtgd.<key name>tgd.gpsStat.fixNumSat
Network Counterslinklink.<remote MAC address>.<key name>link.00:00:00:10:0b:40.tx_bytes
VPP Countersvpp-vpp.00:00:00:10:0b:40.if.tx.pkts
Process Counters<process name><process name>.<key name>e2e_minion.mem.util
System Countersnone<key name>uptime

Specific keys are shown in the following table. Refer to Firmware Stats for a full list of stats exported by Terragraph firmware.

RSSI (received signal strength indicator)tgf.<remote MAC address>.phystatus.srssi
SNR (signal-to-noise ratio)tgf.<remote MAC address>.phystatus.ssnrEst
MCS indextgf.<remote MAC address>.staPkt.mcs
PER (packet error rate)tgf.<remote MAC address>.staPkt.perE6
Mgmt link up counttgf.<remote MAC address>.staPkt.mgmtLinkUp
Mgmt link available counttgf.<remote MAC address>.staPkt.linkAvailable
Received packetstgf.<remote MAC address>.staPkt.rxOk
Successful MPDUstgf.<remote MAC address>.staPkt.txOk
Failed MPDUstgf.<remote MAC address>.staPkt.txFail
Transmit powertgf.<remote MAC address>.staPkt.txPowerIndex
Transmit beam indextgf.<remote MAC address>.phyperiodic.txbeamidx
Receive beam indextgf.<remote MAC address>.phyperiodic.rxbeamidx
Transmit byteslink.<remote MAC address>.tx_bytes
Receive byteslink.<remote MAC address>.rx_bytes
Transmit packetslink.<remote MAC address>.tx_packets
Receive packetslink.<remote MAC address>.rx_packets
Transmit errorslink.<remote MAC address>.tx_errors
Receive errorslink.<remote MAC address>.rx_errors
Transmit droppedlink.<remote MAC address>.tx_dropped
Receive droppedlink.<remote MAC address>.rx_dropped
Receive framelink.<remote MAC address>.rx_frame
Receive overrunslink.<remote MAC address>.rx_overruns
Transmit overrunslink.<remote MAC address>.tx_overruns
Transmit collisionslink.<remote MAC address>.tx_collisions
Interface speed (mbps)link.<remote MAC address>.speed
VPP transmit bytesvpp.<remote MAC address>.if.tx.bytes
VPP receive bytesvpp.<remote MAC address>.if.rx.bytes
VPP transmit packetsvpp.<remote MAC address>.if.tx.pkts
VPP receive packetsvpp.<remote MAC address>.if.rx.pkts
VPP transmit error packetsvpp.<remote MAC address>.if.tx-error.pkts
VPP receive error packetsvpp.<remote MAC address>.if.rx-error.pkts
VPP dropped packetsvpp.<remote MAC address>.if.drops.pkts
VPP QoS bytesvpp.<remote MAC address><N>.bytes
VPP QoS bytes droppedvpp.<remote MAC address><N>.bytes_dropped
VPP QoS packetsvpp.<remote MAC address><N>.packets
VPP QoS packets droppedvpp.<remote MAC address><N>.packets_dropped


  • fbzmq - Meta's ZeroMQ wrappers
  • Kafka - Distributed streaming platform
  • Fluentd - Log collector
  • Fluent Bit - Log processor and forwarder
  • Net-SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) software suite