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Topology Management

This document describes the management of the network topology.

Network Elements

This section briefly describes the elements of a Terragraph network topology in the context of the E2E service.

The three basic topology elements are listed below:

  • Node - A general purpose compute unit that controls one or more sectors (wireless baseband cards).
  • Site - A collection of one or more nodes installed at the same physical location.
  • Link - A connection between two sectors or nodes.

Nodes have several distinct properties:

  • DN/CN - Each node is either a Distribution Node (DN) or Client Node (CN). DNs form the backbone of the Terragraph mesh network, while CNs act as the termination point where service delivery takes place.
  • POP - Any primary DN which is interconnected via fiber to a carrier's network is known as a Fiber Point-of-Presence (POP). These POP nodes serve as the demarcation between the Terragraph network and the provider's backbone network.
  • Sectors - Nodes control one or more sectors, which are identified by their MAC addresses (also referred to as "radio MACs" or "WLAN MACs"). Puma hardware supports up to 4 sectors.

Links have the following properties:

  • Wired/Wireless - Each link is either wired (Ethernet) or wireless (RF). Wired links are used mainly between primary and secondary DNs.
  • Primary/Backup (DN-to-CN links only) - CNs can only form one link, but additional backup links can be provided for use when the primary link is unavailable.

Topology Structure

All topology structures are defined in Topology.thrift, and are contained within the parent structure thrift::Topology.

struct Topology {
1: string name;
2: list<Node> nodes;
3: list<Link> links;
4: list<Site> sites;
5: Config config;

Currently, the properties captured by the thrift::Topology structure can be categorized as follows:

Network GraphNodes, links, sites
Controller ConfigurationDeterministic Prefix Allocation config
Network StateNode status, link liveness, link-up counters
Installation/Inventory/AssetsAntenna azimuth, elevation

Most of these properties are persistent. However, the network state properties are non-persistent and get updated dynamically by the controller.

The full topology is stored only on the controller and is not propagated to nodes, with the exception of node configuration. In particular, the controller adds some topology information to the node's topologyInfo configuration structure, which includes the node's "name" and neighboring nodes' properties, among other details.

Lastly, a node's MAC address (or "node ID") is currently overloaded in several ways:

  • ZMQ Identity - Nodes use their MAC address as their ZMQ socket identity. Refer to Communication Protocol for further details.
  • Routing - The Open/R identity of each node is its MAC address. Refer to Routing Layer for further details.
  • Radio MAC - The node MAC is usually not equivalent to the radio MAC(s), particularly on hardware providing multiple sectors.

Topology Changes

The network topology is provided to the controller as a file during startup, and can be modified during runtime through TopologyApp. All requested topology changes are validated, and the controller will automatically assign any additional parameters to a new node or link as necessary (discussed later). Most of the logic for topology changes resides in TopologyWrapper.

TopologyApp accepts the following user operations on the topology:

User OperationCommands
Set Network ParametersSET_NETWORK_PARAMS_REQ
Reallocate Node PrefixesALLOCATE_PREFIXES

The topology is also modified upon receiving the following commands from other apps:

  • SET_NODE_STATUS - When a previously offline node sends a status report, StatusApp requests that TopologyApp mark the node as "online".
  • SET_NODE_PARAMS_REQ - When a previously offline node sends a status report, StatusApp requests that TopologyApp send configuration to the node.
  • BUMP_LINKUP_ATTEMPTS - When attempting to ignite a link, IgnitionApp requests that TopologyApp increment the corresponding link-up counter.
  • LINK_STATUS - When a link's state changes, the minion's IgnitionApp requests that TopologyApp update the corresponding link's liveness state.

Parameter Assignment and Validation

On startup and before any topology change, the controller performs thorough validation of all relevant topology parameters. Additionally, when new elements are added, the controller automatically assigns node and link parameters. These processes are summarized in the following table, with additional details in the sections below.

ParameterElementDynamic Changes?Automatic?Key(s)Values
Polarityradioyes (synchronized)yesradioParamsOverrides.[radioMac].fwParams.polarity1 (odd), 2 (even), 3 (hybrid-odd), 4 (hybrid-even)
Golay Indexlinkyes (synchronized)yeslinkParamsOverrides.[responderMac].fwParams.txGolayIdx
0-3, 4-7 (copies)
Control SuperframelinknoyeslinkParamsOverrides.[responderMac].fwParams.controlSuperframe0, 1, 255

Controller-assigned parameters are stored in the automatic node overrides layer of the node configuration (can be overridden by user configuration if required), and are accessed and modified via ConfigHelper (refer to Configuration Management for further details).

For firmware parameters which cannot be dynamically changed (i.e. post-config action is RELOAD_FIRMWARE), any update to live radios or links will trigger a firmware reload. If dynamic changes must be synchronized across affected links (i.e. post-config action is SET_FW_PARAMS_SYNC_OR_RELOAD_FIRMWARE), then the change will be scheduled at a specific BWGD index as determined by the controller's GpsClock time plus a default delay of 5.12 seconds (controller flag --firmware_parameter_update_delay), with an additional firmware constraint that no more than 2 parameter updates can be scheduled simultaneously (otherwise firmware will be reloaded to apply all changes).


Polarity validation and assignment is handled by PolarityHelper.


Sectors on both ends of a wireless link alternate between transmitting and receiving in complementary time slots. This dramatically reduces interference, as nodes only receive very weak interfering signals from at least three hops away. To achieve this, each sector is assigned a polarity of ODD or EVEN.

This simple assignment scheme requires neighbors in the network graph to have opposite polarities, and only works if the graph can be bipartitioned. To support topologies with odd cycles, hybrid polarities can be used in two distinct ways:

  • Hardware hybrid - A site can contain sectors with different polarities. These are "hardware" hybrids, which use hardware solutions to avoid inter-node transmit and receive interference. However, in a small fraction of cases (on the order of 1%), sectors in close proximity on the same site may still cause significant self-interference.
  • Software hybrid - When hardware hybrid solutions are not possible, sectors can instead use time-division multiplexing to alternate between odd and even polarities. These "software" hybrids are tagged in E2E as HYBRID_ODD or HYBRID_EVEN, and require special handling by the controller (discussed below). Software hybrid sectors on a site will access the medium orthogonally, resulting in a 50% loss in bandwidth.

In the sections below, "hybrid" will refer to software hybrids unless otherwise noted, since hardware hybrids are not treated differently from regular polarities in E2E.



  • Nodes on the same site must all be non-hybrid (ODD, EVEN) or hybrid (HYBRID_ODD, HYBRID_EVEN).
  • Wireless links must have different polarity on both ends (ODD, HYBRID_ODD to EVEN, HYBRID_EVEN).
  • A wireless link cannot have hybrid nodes on both ends.
  • P2MP (point to multi-point) nodes, such as Y-street nodes, cannot be hybrid. In other words, hybrid-polarity DNs support only a single DN to DN link.

Polarity is only relevant when links are formed. Thus, unspecified polarities are allowed on nodes until a link is added.


When adding a link:

  • If validation succeeds with the given values, do nothing.
  • If both nodes had unspecified polarity, forcibly set one of them (to a site polarity if one exists, otherwise arbitrarily).
  • If one node has no other links, set its polarity to the opposite of the other node.

Currently, the controller will not automatically assign a hybrid polarity. Hybrid polarity must be explicitly set by the user.

Network-Wide Reassignment

The controller provides a mechanism to perform a network-wide polarity optimization, using the odd cycle cover (OCC) algorithm in OccSolver to find the minimum set of hardware hybrid sites required to achieve a bipartite graph. This operation is triggered manually via the TRIGGER_POLARITY_OPTIMIZATION command.

The polarity optimization process has the following features:

  • It respects all user-configured polarities, and will fail if any changes to user overrides are required. This can be overridden by setting the clearUserPolarityConfig flag, informing the algorithm to reset all user overrides before attempting a polarity optimization.
  • It tries to avoid allocating sites with P2MP radios as hybrids, reducing the chance of misconfiguration.
  • It tries to honor existing polarity assignments as much as possible, reducing disruption to the network. Currently, changing polarity requires breaking links.
  • It does not allocate any software hybrids unless configured by the user.

Golay Index

Golay index validation and assignment is handled by GolayHelper. Note that the controller will only assign Golay indexes 1 and 2 by default.


Every packet transmitted over the air in a Terragraph network contains a PHY layer preamble consisting of a Short Training Field (STF) and a Channel Estimation Field (CEF), as defined in the IEEE 802.11-2016 standard. The receiver uses the STF to detect the presence of a packet in the air and thus start the remainder of the packet acquisition process. Since the same preamble is used, irrespective of the Modulation and Coding Set (MCS) used for the data payload, the STF is designed to be detectable even at very low signal to noise ratios (SNR). As a consequence, a weak interfering packet will trigger packet acquisition, and any desired packet arriving while the receiver is busy attempting to decode the interfering packet will be missed. This is known as early weak interference and is especially apparent in Terragraph's current TDMA network design.

Both the STF and CEF are derived from a 128-bit Golay Code Sequence. To minimize the extent of early weak interference, different Golay Code Sequences can be applied to interfering links so that the receiver will only begin the packet acquisition process when it receives the expected preamble.



  • Golay codes on both ends of a link must be identical.


The procedure for assigning Golay codes to new links is detailed in Algorithms for Channel and Golay Assignment.

Network-Wide Reassignment

The controller provides a mechanism to perform a network-wide Golay reassignment to resolve any misconfiguration. This operation is triggered manually via the TRIGGER_GOLAY_OPTIMIZATION command.

The reassignment process implements the network-wide reassignment procedure detailed in Algorithms for Channel and Golay Assignment.


Channel allocation is handled by ChannelHelper. Note that the controller will only use channel 2 unless otherwise configured by the user (via controller configuration field topologyParams.enabledChannels).


Terragraph networks utilize the 60GHz (V-Band) spectrum. In many countries, V-Band is unlicensed and allows for multiple GHz of RF bandwidth. The amount of available spectrum for use by Terragraph varies depending on local wireless regulations. Terragraph supports channels 1, 2, 3, and 4 in the 60GHz band. Each channel, as per the 802.11ad specification, is 2.16GHz wide as shown below.

60GHz band allocation



  • Channels on all links at a node in point-to-multipoint must be identical.
  • Receiver and transmitter channels must be identical.


The procedure for assigning channels to new links is detailed in Algorithms for Channel and Golay Assignment.

Network-Wide Reassignment

The controller provides a mechanism to perform a network-wide channel reassignment to resolve any misconfiguration. This operation is triggered manually via the TRIGGER_CHANNEL_OPTIMIZATION command.

The reassignment process implements the network-wide reassignment procedure detailed in Algorithms for Channel and Golay Assignment.

Control Superframe

Control superframe validation and assignment is handled by ControlSuperframeHelper.


The control superframe defines the time slot at which both ends of a link exchange control information (i.e. keep-alive messages). For context, each superframe is 1.6ms long and consists of 4 TDD frames. The control superframe is an integer that can take values 0, 1, or 255 (equivalent to unspecified). In order to transmit control information at non-conflicting time slots, a DN sector must use a different control superframe on all of its wireless links to other DN sectors. For DN to CN links, the control superframe should be left unspecified.

Normally, in the P2P (point to point) scenario, the control superframe can be left unspecified and will be handled automatically by the firmware; this is equivalent to using the value 0. However, with P2MP (point to multi-point), the nodes at the opposite ends of the two links have no way to automatically pick non-conflicting control superframes. The primary role of E2E is to assign non-conflicting values (i.e. 0 and 1) across these links.



  • All DN to DN links from a sector must have different (i.e. non-conflicting) superframes. An unspecified value is considered a conflict if multiple DN to DN links exist.
  • DN to CN links may all have unspecified control superframes (255).
  • Hybrid polarity DNs have pre-defined control superframe values. Links with HYBRID_EVEN polarity must use 0 and links with HYBRID_ODD must use 1.


When adding a link:

  • If control superframe is unspecified on a DN to DN link, set it to 0.
  • If validation succeeds with the given values, take no other actions (excluding the one above).
  • Attempt reassignment to all acceptable values remaining (0 and 1 for DN to DN links; 255 for DN to CN links).

Network-Wide Reassignment

The controller provides a mechanism to perform a network-wide control superframe reassignment to resolve any misconfiguration. This operation is triggered manually via the TRIGGER_CONTROL_SUPERFRAME_OPTIMIZATION command.

The reassignment process has the following features:

  • It respects all user-configured values, and will fail if any changes to user overrides are required. This can be overridden by setting the clearUserConfig flag, informing the controller to reset all user overrides before attempting a reassignment.
  • It tries to honor existing control superframe assignments as much as possible, reducing disruption to the network. Currently, changing control superframe requires breaking links.


Airtime allocation is handled by BandwidthAllocationHelper.


The default airtime allocation on each node can be overridden through the thrift::NetworkAirtime structure, which defines a per-link map of the minimum, maximum, and ideal transmit/receive percentages. This can be used, for instance, to enforce fair resource allocation across the network topology.

This feature is a work in progress and is not currently enabled.


If automatic airtime allocation is enabled, TopologyApp will recompute the fair airtime allocation map on startup and whenever the topology is modified. The controller sends any airtime changes to nodes using the SET_NODE_PARAMS (NETWORK) command.

The airtime computations currently consider only the network graph and perform simple shortest-paths computations to POP nodes. The algorithm does not yet take routing into account.

Algorithms for Channel and Golay Assignment

The algorithms for assigning channel and Golay codes based on interference estimates are handled by InterferenceHelper.

There are 4 observed heuristics that affect interference which the new link assignment algorithm attempts to mitigate:

  1. Adjacent links with < 20 degree angles may have interference, regardless of polarity.
  2. Adjacent links with > 50 degree angles do not show much interference.
  3. Links with > 2 links in between do not have interference.
  4. Two links with one link in between will have interference (between the initial sector of the first link and last sector of the last link). Thus, there should not be three consecutive links with the same Golay code or channel. Additionally, the Golay/channels must not take the form a-b-a; their form should be either a-a-b or a-b-b.

When adding a link:

  • Generate a directed graph of all wireless links in the topology and their angular differences. Each vertex represents a link in the original network graph, and an edge represents links connected to the same site. Edges also track the angular difference between a link and its adjacencies.
  • Assign the link's Golay code or channel by applying the four heuristics above.
  • If, after applying the heuristics, there are no valid options left, simply assign one at random.

Currently, only link adjacencies and angle differences are used to assign Golay codes and channels for a new link.

Network-Wide Reassignment

A set of links belongs to the same link group if they must all share the same Golay code/channel assignment. Links originating from or terminating at the same radio are part of the same group. For example, all links forming a z-street setup are part of the same group. The figure below illustrates this concept.

Estimate group interference matrix

The group-to-group interference estimate is the sum of the estimated interference between all links within each group. The controller uses a topology-based approach to estimate the interference between any two nodes. In this approach, distance between nodes, Angle-of-Departure (AoD), and Angle-of-Arrival (AoA) are used to estimate the interference experienced by both ends of a link caused by transmission on another link.

For this purpose, the controller assumes perfect alignment between the radio and its corresponding link under consideration. Constant transmission power is also assumed across all links. When assigning Golay codes, the controller assumes zero interference between links on different channels.

Build the group interference graph

Next, the controller constructs a graph in which the vertices are the previously-identified link groups. An edge is added between any two groups with a non-zero interference estimate.

The resultant graph is the group interference graph. The task of assigning Golay codes/channels to different groups is equivalent to solving the graph coloring problem using a number of colors that is equal to the number of available Golay codes or channels.

Since only two orthogonal Golay codes are available for allocation the odd cycle cover (OCC) algorithm is used to convert the graph into a bipartite graph by removing the least number of groups while minimizing the overall network interference. This uses the same OCC algorithm as the one for polarity optimization. Channel assignment also uses this algorithm to attempt to minimize the number of channel allocations that add to the overall network interference.

Allocate Golay codes or channels

Any predetermined Golay codes/channels within the node configuration overrides are assigned first. These manual configurations can be ignored and overridden by setting the clearUserConfig flag.

Next, Golay codes/channels are assigned for all groups not identified for exclusion by the OCC algorithm. These groups will form a bipartite graph and can be allocated Golay codes/channels that avoid all interference between them.

Finally, Golay codes/channels are assigned for the groups identified by the OCC algorithm. In this case, the Golay code/channel that minimizes the overall interference experienced by the link group is selected.

Note: The recommended order of optimizations is polarity, then channel, then Golay. This is because the channel assignments depend on polarity, and the Golay assignments depend on both polarity and channel.

Network State

Node Status

Node state is managed by StatusApp on the controller and minion. The minion sends STATUS_REPORT heartbeats at regular intervals to the controller, and includes details such as its ignition/configuration/upgrade state and software/hardware versions in these heartbeats. The controller replies with STATUS_REPORT_ACK acknowledgements. If the minion does not receive any acknowledgements or other messages from the controller within a specified timeout period, it will attempt to tear down the current network socket to the controller and reconnect (refer to Communication Protocol for further details). Meanwhile, TopologyApp periodically computes all node liveness states based on the last time a heartbeat was received from each node.

A node's liveness is derived from its ignition state. The ignition state lifecycle differs for DNs and CNs:


All nodes initially boot into the OFFLINE status. For each radio, the minion's StatusApp sends a NODE_INIT message to its DriverApp containing initial firmware parameters, then starts sending heartbeats to the controller upon receiving any NODE_INIT_NOTIFY success notification from DriverApp. The minion then sends a FW_SET_NODE_PARAMS message to the driver with polarity, channel, and airtime parameters from its node configuration (if present), and also a GPS_ENABLE_REQ message to enable GPS (if applicable; read below).

When the controller's StatusApp receives a heartbeat from a node with an OFFLINE status, it sends a SET_NODE_PARAMS_REQ request to TopologyApp, which then sends SET_NODE_PARAMS (INIT) message(s) to the minion's StatusApp (one message per WLAN MAC address). Upon receipt, the minion marks itself as ONLINE (if GPS is disabled) or ONLINE_INITIATOR (if GPS was already enabled). If the node had not already configured its polarity, channel, etc. during initialization (i.e. the parameters are not in the node's local configuration file), it does so now with the parameters sent from the controller. The controller's StatusApp will also request the status of the node's wireless links at this time.

For DNs, transitioning to ONLINE_INITIATOR requires enabling GPS to achieve time synchronization. This requires knowledge of the node's physical site location. Periodically, TopologyApp looks for DNs that are ONLINE and does the following:

  • If the node's site location accuracy is within 50 meters (E2EConsts::kGpsAccuracyThresh, required for GPS time estimation within 500ns) or the forceGpsDisable firmware config flag is set, the controller sends a SET_NODE_PARAMS (GPS) message to the minion's StatusApp. Upon receipt, the minion sends a GPS_ENABLE_REQ to the driver, and marks itself as ONLINE_INITIATOR after receiving a FW_ACK (GPS_ENABLE_REQ) acknowledgement that the GPS was successfully enabled.
  • If the node's location is too inaccurate, the controller sends a GPS_GET_POS_REQ message to the minion's StatusApp, which forwards it to the driver. The minion responds with its current GPS position (GPS_GET_POS_RESP), and the controller uses this to update its topology information only if the newly-reported location is more accurate than the existing one.

Wireless link state is managed by IgnitionApp on the controller and minion. Every time the status of a wireless link changes, the minion sends a LINK_STATUS message to TopologyApp. In some cases, the controller's TopologyApp, IgnitionApp, or StatusApp will actively request a link status by sending a GET_LINK_STATUS message. If the controller receives a LINK_UP event for a link which does not exist in the current topology, it will forcefully disassociate the link. When the controller receives a LINK_DOWN event for a DN-to-DN link where either side is a P2MP DN with other active links, it will disable BF responder mode to avoid throughput loss on these links. Refer to Network Ignition for further details about the link ignition process.

Wired intra-site link state is maintained by StatusApp on the controller and minion. Each minion's status report contains status of its wired connections. When this status changes, the controller's StatusApp sends a SET_WIRED_LINK_STATUS message to TopologyApp. Wired inter-site link state is not checked, and these links will always appear as alive.

GPS Time Synchronization

The controller uses its local clock for scheduling (e.g. scan commands, firmware configuration changes). To ensure its clock is synchronized with GPS-based node clocks, the controller updates its clock based on GPS timestamps sent from each node.

GpsClock is a custom clock used to hold GPS time. It is designed to receive periodic updates from an accurate GPS source, and fill in the remaining intervals using a std::chrono::steady_clock delta since the last GPS time was received.

Minion Procedure

The node firmware attaches the current GPS timestamp to periodic FW_HEALTHY messages sent to minion. The minion's StatusApp uses this timestamp to update its GpsClock instance directly (assuming no significant latency on message passing), and sends GPS time to the controller in periodic status reports (STATUS_REPORT messages).

Controller Procedure

Upon receipt of a GPS timestamp, the controller's StatusApp uses Cristian's algorithm to address network latency. Nodes are considered the time servers, and the controller is considered the client. The latency in both directions is assumed to be symmetric. The latency correction algorithm is described below.

  1. The controller records the GPS time of the last status report received from each node (as t1), then sends an acknowledgement to the minion.
  2. The minion records the GPS timestamp of the latest status report acknowledgement it received from the controller (as t2).
  3. When sending a status report to the controller, the minion includes its current GPS time (as t3) as well as the GPS timestamp of the latest status report acknowledgement it received (t2). The controller subtracts out the time delay between t2 and t3 when computing the round-trip time.
  4. On receipt of a status report, the controller records its current GPS time (as t4). Then, it uses the recorded timestamp values to add a latency correction to the GPS timestamp reported by the node (t3) as follows:
Round-trip time = rtt = (t4 - t1) - (t3 - t2)
Latency of response = latency = rtt / 2
Latency-corrected GPS time = t3 + latency

As the controller collects a series of timestamps from nodes, it uses Chauvenet's criterion to determine if incoming timestamps are outliers. The algorithm used to determine if a timestamp is an outlier is described below.

  1. On receipt of a GPS timestamp, calculate the delta between the timestamp (after applying Cristian's algorithm to correct for latency) and the controller's GPS clock.
  2. Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the list of existing timestamps that the controller has stored.
  3. Use a normal distribution to calculate the probability of seeing the timestamp that just arrived, based off of the mean and standard deviation calculated above.
  4. Apply Chauvenet's criterion to determine if the timestamp is an outlier. Multiply the probability of seeing the timestamp by the number of past timestamps the controller is tracking. If this value is less than 0.5, the timestamp is considered an outlier.
  5. Add the timestamp to the list of timestamps stored on the controller.
  6. If the new timestamp is not an outlier, use it to set the controller's GpsClock epoch.

Chauvenet's criterion is not applied until at least 6 timestamps have arrived (FLAGS_min_gps_timestamp_queue_size). The controller only tracks the last 20 timestamps (FLAGS_max_gps_timestamp_queue_size).
