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This document describes the architecture for scans in Terragraph.


ScanApp is responsible for initiating scans on nodes and collecting the measurement results. Scans are scheduled by the controller to run periodically and in parallel, using a graph coloring algorithm in ScanScheduler and a slot scheduling mechanism in SchedulerApp. The minion simply passes controller commands to the driver, and returns results from the driver to the controller.

There are several scan types, defined in the Thrift enum thrift::ScanType. These are listed in the table below.

ScanThrift Type
Initial Beamformingn/a
Periodic BeamformingPBF
Interference MeasurementIM
Runtime CalibrationRTCAL
Coordinated BeamformingCBF_TX, CBF_RX
Topology ScanTOPO

Note that QTI firmware does not support RTCAL and CBF scans.

Time Units

The time-related terminology used for scan scheduling are defined in the table below.

UNIX Epoch TimeTime that has elapsed since 1 January 1970, minus leap seconds
GPS Epoch TimeTime that has elapsed since 6 January 1980, ignoring leap seconds
Superframe1.6ms (4 frames)
BWGD (Bandwidth Grant Duration)25.6ms (16 superframes)
BWGD IndexInteger index of a BWGD interval since GPS epoch

The controller must convert between its system time (based on UNIX epoch) and firmware time (based on GPS epoch). There are some utility functions for time conversions in ScanScheduler.


Scans scheduled over the entire network are referred to as a scan group. For periodic scans, a single scan group can contain scans of different types.

To prevent collisions and ensure proper ordering, a frame structure is defined with 16 BWGDs in a slot and 128 slots (both configurable) in a period. Using these default values, the period lasts about 52.4 seconds. The 128 slots are allocated to scan types as shown in the table below:

Scan TypeStart Slot #Duration (slots)
PBF13, 775
Hybrid PBF13, 7710
IM0, 645
RTCAL25, 28, 31, 34, 89, 92, 95, 982
CBF_TX, CBF_RX38, 1025
CBF_TX, CBF_RX Apply58, 1221

For example, 5 slots (about 2 seconds) are reserved for IM scans starting at slots 0 and 64.

An algorithm determines which nodes go in which slots. The algorithm avoids putting interfering nodes in the same start slot. Depending on the particular topology of the network, a scan group can take minutes or hours to complete.

Ordering among scans are guaranteed by the controller. PBF, RTCAL, and CBF scans will always be scheduled in that order. There is no ordering between IM scans and other scan types. If a pair of nodes is scheduled for PBF and RTCAL scans, for example, then the slot allocated for PBF will come before the slots allocated for RTCAL (RTCAL requires two scans per link direction whereas one PBF scan refines both the TX and RX beams in that link direction).

When RTCAL runs as part of periodic scans, RX VBS gets enabled by a series of three consecutive RTCAL procedures indicated by the scan subtypes TOP_RX_CAL, BOT_RX_CAL, and VBS_RX_CAL.

A scheduled scan uses relative PBF (3x3 grid) and fine IM scans (scans all azimuth beams) by default. To run a PBF scan every 4 hours, for example, set ScanSchedule as shown below. Note that the first scan in the schedule will start combinedScanTimeoutSec seconds after issuing the command.

"combinedScanTimeoutSec": 240,
"pbfEnable": true,
"rtcalEnable": false,
"cbfEnable": false,
"imEnable": false

Message Exchange

Scans are initiated by the controller when receiving a StartScan message from any the following sources:

  • Automatic scan scheduler within ScanApp
  • Topology scan scheduler within TopologyBuilderApp
  • Direct user command (e.g. via TG CLI)

The controller then sends a ScanReq message to each minion participating in the scan; minions use the pass-through framework to forward these requests to the firmware. When complete, each scan response is sent back to the controller in a ScanResp message. The controller stores all scan results in a ScanStatus structure, which maps scan IDs to ScanData structures.

For manual scans, nodes can be specified using a node-wide identifier (i.e. name or node MAC address) or a radio MAC address. The former is accepted for backward-compatibility reasons on single-radio nodes only (see ScanData::convertMacToName and related code).

Scan Results

When an individual scan is scheduled, it is assigned a "token" (scanId). Scan responses are not guaranteed to come back from the nodes in order. When responses are received from nodes, they are assigned a response ID (respId) that will always be in the order the responses are received.

Scan results can be queried through a GetScanStatus request to the controller, and are available once all nodes involved in a scan have sent a response. There can be up to two measurements per frame (referring to the slotmap figure above). Depending on the distance of the link and the geometry, beam combinations for which the SNR is below the sensitivity (around -10dB) will not be reported.

$ tg scan status -f json  # (or 'raw' or 'table')
"scans": {
"1": {
"responses": {
"box1": {
"token": 1,
"box2": {
"token": 1,
"routeInfoList": [
"route": {
"tx": 0,
"rx": 0
"rssi": -10.0,
"snrEst": 27.5,
"postSnr": 18.0,
"rxStart": 4104,
"packetIdx": 0,
"sweepIdx": 0

The isConcise flag suppresses the routeInfoList in the structure above, which can be very large as it contains the SNR, RSSI, and other information for every measurement taken in the scan.

$ tg scan status --concise
Scan Id 1, tx node box1, rx node box1, start bwgd 47044495072, response bwgd 47044495142, tx power 1
Scan Id 1, tx node box1, rx node box2, start bwgd 47044495072, response bwgd 47044495140

RF State

ScanApp stores processed information from periodic scans in a local rfState_ variable. The purpose of rfState_ is not to maintain historical scan results, but to have an up-to-date snapshot of the network's state in terms of RF coupling between each sector for all possible beam combinations. rfState_ stores averaged routes from fine and relative IM scan results and the latest directional beam for each link as indicated in PBF scan results. ScanApp uses rfState_ to generate the CBF configuration and to adjust LA/TPC parameters (currently laMaxMcs) based on cross-link coupling. It can also be used for coloring algorithms that rely on RF connectivity between nodes (e.g. assignment of polarity, Golay, ignition slots, etc.).

Because rfState_ contains all information needed for various controller algorithms and can be easily exported to or imported from a file, rfState_ is a useful way to unit-test controller algorithm changes, debug new issues, and perform system studies.

Topology Scan

The goal of running topology scans is to discover nodes in network without knowing their MAC addresses or GPS positions in advance. Topology scans make use of a broadcast beamforming (BF) protocol to collect information from nearby nodes.

Topology scans are the main piece of the Topology Discovery algorithm.

Broadcast Beamforming Procedure

The broadcast beamforming protocol closely resembles initial beamforming. Two packet types are involved: a training request (REQ) and training response (RSP).

The initiator node begins the broadcast BF process by transmitting REQ packets using the same slot allocation as initial BF. These packets are destined towards the broadcast MAC address (ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff), but are otherwise identical to the REQ packets used in initial BF. Two REQ packets are transmitted within each frame. For each Tx beam, the initiator repeats the broadcast BF REQ packets for one BF window, or 31 frames (BEAM_NUM). Since the channel at a responder may not be configured, the initiator node performs 4 sweeps over all Tx beams to ensure that each responder receives at least one entire set of Tx beams. The duration of topology scan is 124 BF windows (4*BEAM_NUM).

For a receiving node to process a REQ packet, it must be in BF responder mode; this is the initial state, wherein the node will sweep over the Rx beams during each BF window. The responder collects all REQs in a BF window and picks at most the best 4 Rx beams in that window. It then sends a RSP for window i during window i+2 to ensure that it has enough time to process the REQs. Since there may be multiple responders in a topology scan, each responder randomly picks a frame in the BF window to transmit the packet (instead of using a fixed frame, like in initial BF). The RSP will be sent using the best Rx beam as the Tx beam. Meanwhile, the initiator examines all frames for possible RSPs. A single scan instance can process up to 15 responders (MAX_NUM_TOPO_RESP); any additional responders are ignored.

An example run of the entire broadcast beamforming procedure is depicted in the diagram below.

Training Packet Formats

The format of the REQ packet is identical to those used in initial beamforming, as mentioned above.

The RSP packet contains additional fields carrying topology-related information:

typedef struct {
urTrnRes_t urTrnResp;
usint8 frmNumInBfWin;
tgfGpsPos pos;
usint8 adjAddrs[ETH_ADDR_LEN * TGF_MAX_LOC_ADJ];
} __attribute__((__packed__)) urTopoTrnResp_t;

Descriptions of the fields are as follows:

  • urTrnResp - The RSP from initial beamforming, which includes the uRoute information.
  • frmNumInBfWin - The frame number of the response.
  • pos - The GPS position of the responder. This is read from the stored value set by the TG_SB_GPS_SET_SELF_POS ioctl, which originates either from driver-if (on Puma) or ublox-gps (on Rev5).
  • adjAddrs - The MAC addresses of wired neighbors and other local radios on the responder node. The firmware populates this by sending a NB_OPENR_ADJ_REQ request to user-space (handled by the E2E minion's OpenrClientApp).


Topology scans can be managed using the standard scan methods on the E2E controller.

# Start a topology scan
$ tg scan start -t topo --tx <tx_node> -d <delay>

# Retrieve the scan results ('topoResps' in ScanResp)
$ tg scan status

It is recommended to wait at least 4 seconds after a topology scan before performing subsequent beamforming operations. This is because each responder will record the initiator in its list of stations during a topology scan, and will not process any other beamforming requests. The topology scan takes approximately 1.5 seconds, and the responder may take at most 2.5 seconds to remove the initiator from its station list.

Nodes can be configured to disallow initiating or responding to topology scans via the firmware config field radioParamsBase.fwParams.topoScanEnable.