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Terragraph is a technology that leverages 60 GHz spectrum to deliver fast, reliable internet. The documents below serve as a detailed reference for many layers of the Terragraph stack.


Communication Protocol

Terragraph uses ZeroMQ (or ZMQ) for all inter- and intra-process message passing at the application layer. Messages are serialized using the Thrift protocol, then transported using ZMQ sockets over TCP/IP. In general, all communication is asynchronous.

Routing Layer

Terragraph uses Open/R as its routing platform. The core module in Open/R is the distributed, eventually-consistent key-value store, named KvStore, which is used to disseminate information such as routing adjacencies and network prefixes across the entire network; this is used to implement a link-state routing protocol. Each Terragraph node runs an openr process.

Driver Interface

The interface between user space applications and the Terragraph driver and firmware is referred to as the driver interface (driver-if). driver-if normally runs alongside the E2E minion, and translates between Thrift messages (user space) and Netlink messages (driver). Additionally, Terragraph provides command-line interfaces to communicate with driver-if directly.

Driver Stack

The driver stack consists of the Terragraph driver and a wireless driver. Among other things, these drivers are responsible for configuring transmit and receive paths for the wireless devices, creating virtual network interfaces on the host, and handling Netlink messages sent from driver-if, e.g. by passing requests and responses to and from the firmware. Terragraph implements its datapath using DPDK, a framework for fast packet processing in user space.

VPP Implementation

VPP is used with DPDK to implement Terragraph's datapath.

Timing and Synchronization

Terragraph networks are precisely time-synchronized using GPS or an "over-the-air sync" mechanism.

PTP & SyncE

Using specialized Puma hardware, Terragraph software supports 1588v2 Transparent Clock (Class A/B) and SyncE protocols to meet the synchronization requirements of cellular networks.


Puma uses an ESP32 module for Wi-Fi access, and enables TCP/IP using SLIP. Wi-Fi is only used for administrative purposes.

Firmware Layer

Protocols and algorithms implemented in Terragraph firmware are documented below.

Beamforming (BF) is the process of using signal propagation information between two antennas and modifying antenna characteristics to maximize the signal quality between those antennas.

MAC & PHY Specification

Terragraph's link protocol is based on IEEE 802.11-2016, and uses a modified Directed Multigigabit (DMG) physical layer (PHY) and a significantly slimmed down Media Access Control (MAC) layer.

PHY Algorithms

Several physical layer (PHY) algorithms can be tuned via knobs in the node configuration.

Firmware Stats

Terragraph firmware exports a broad set of statistics to aid debugging.

End-to-End (E2E) Service

The End-to-End (E2E) service sits at the application layer, and handles important management functions such as link bring-up, software upgrades, configuration management, and more. Terragraph networks are managed by a centralized cloud controller (e2e_controller), and each Terragraph node runs a lightweight client (e2e_minion) that connects to the controller. The controller can run on any host with a route to the Terragraph network, including a Terragraph node itself.

The primary features of the E2E service are listed below. In general, each logical management feature resides in its own class, which is referred to as an "app". Each app runs in a separate thread. Functionally, these threads are simple event loops, and process messages (such as commands) one at a time. Both the controller and minion share this design. Source code documentation can be generated via Doxygen (see src/terragraph-e2e/e2e/Doxyfile).

Topology Management

TopologyApp holds and manages the network topology, a structure containing all details about nodes and links within the network. The topology must be provided upon starting the controller, but the app also exposes APIs to add, edit, and delete topology elements during runtime. The app performs thorough validation of all requested topology changes, allocates prefixes for nodes, and contains several algorithms to automatically assign node and link parameters such as polarity, Golay codes, channel, and control superframes.

In addition, TopologyApp records dynamic topology properties, such as node and link liveness and nodes' routing adjacencies. Liveness is determined from the presence or absence of periodic status reports from nodes, handled by StatusApp on both the controller and minion.

Network Ignition

On the controller, IgnitionApp is responsible for bringing up (or "igniting") links in the network. Ignition involves forming a link from an "initiator" node, which is already connected to the controller, to a "responder" node. Under the default "auto-ignition" configuration, the app will automatically ignite links during network startup and whenever nodes or links subsequently fail. It applies an algorithm on the current topology state to determine ignition order; multiple links can be ignited in parallel.

The minion's IgnitionApp exchanges ignition-related messages with the driver. There are two distinct flows based on whether link-layer encryption ("wsec") is turned on or off. If wsec is enabled, the app is additionally responsible for managing two additional Linux processes for each wireless interface: an "authenticator" (hostapd) on the initiator node and a "supplicant" (wpa_supplicant) on the responder node.

Software Upgrade

The controller manages in-band software upgrades through UpgradeApp. Upgrades consist of two phases: "prepare" and "commit". In the "prepare" phase, the controller distributes the new software image to nodes, over either BitTorrent or HTTP; upon completion, the nodes will flash the new image onto a secondary disk partition. The "commit" command simply instructs nodes to reboot to the newly-written partition.

The main complication for in-band upgrades is that node reboots will bring down all links to and from a node, which can affect reachability to the rest of the network. The controller's UpgradeApp includes a scheduling algorithm that parallelizes commits (in "batches" of nodes) while minimizing network isolation, along with a retry mechanism to handle failures during any upgrade step. The minion's UpgradeApp is responsible for obtaining, validating, and flashing the new software images, and reporting the node's current upgrade status to the controller.

Configuration Management

Terragraph utilizes a centralized node configuration manager and a layered configuration model. Initially, nodes start with a version-dependent "base configuration", which holds all default config values based on the node's software version; this is static and bundled with the software image. The "network-wide overrides" layer is applied above the base configuration, and contains any config values that should be overridden uniformly across the network. The topmost layer, the "node-specific overrides", applies to individual nodes. All node configuration files are stored as JSON-serialized Thrift structures. A separate metadata file describes all available configs, their validation (e.g. type and range checking), and any node actions required following a value change (e.g. reboot).

The controller's ConfigApp exposes GET/SET operations on all override layers, and enforces validation on SET methods. The minion's ConfigApp processes new config from the controller and takes any associated actions. To keep config in sync, nodes send a hash of their local config to the controller in their periodic status reports, and the controller will overwrite a node's config upon receiving a mismatch (unless the config is marked as "unmanaged").


ScanApp is responsible for initiating scans on nodes and collecting the measurement results. There are several scan types. For instance, "Periodic Beamforming" (PBF) scans identify independent RF paths between pairs of nodes; these scans are uni-directional, and run between nodes with L1/L2 connectivity. "Interference Measurement" (IM) scans measure interference between links, and involve a single transmitter and multiple receivers.

Scans are scheduled by the controller to run periodically and in parallel, using a graph coloring algorithm in ScanScheduler and a slot scheduling mechanism in SchedulerApp. The minion simply passes controller commands to the driver, and returns results from the driver to the controller.

Network Measurements

The controller can initiate and manage network performance measurements through TrafficApp. The app supports running ping and iPerf sessions, and dispatches commands to each participating minion's TrafficApp to start or stop these processes. The controller is responsible for maintaining the state of each session and handling the outputs.

Prefix Allocation

Terragraph nodes can be allocated IPv6 prefixes in three different ways. Distributed prefix allocation is when the nodes allocate prefixes amongst themselves using a distributed allocation scheme and is handled entirely by Open/R. Centralized prefix allocation (CPA) is a scheme where the controller allocates prefixes to all the nodes. This scheme linearly scans through the prefix range and assigns unallocated prefixes to nodes. CPA serves mostly as a stepping stone for more advanced allocation schemes such as Deterministic prefix allocation (DPA). DPA involves segmenting the network into prefix zones, which are assigned subnet prefixes of the network seed prefix. Nodes will be allocated prefixes from their zone's prefixes, allowing the POPs to advertise these subnets to their BGP peers and load-balance ingress traffic.

Topology Discovery

Terragraph provides the capability to automatically discover the network topology through the use of a broadcast beamforming protocol. The high-level discovery algorithm is orchestrated by the controller's TopologyBuilderApp, which extends the topology by incrementally adding and establishing links to responding nodes.

Application Layer Modules

Several additional application-layer modules are described below.

Stats, Events, Logs

Terragraph includes a separate pipeline for pushing node statistics, events, and logs via several processes running on each node. These are typically aggregated using Kafka and Fluentd servers.

Terragraph CLI

Terragraph provides command-line interfaces, tg2 (Lua-based) and tg (Python-based), to interact with various Terragraph software components.

API Service

Terragraph also provides a REST API service, api_service, written in C++ using Proxygen. API Service translates HTTP/JSON requests into ZMQ/Thrift calls to the controller or aggregator, then returns the responses to the client JSON-encoded. Documentation is generated from Javadoc-style annotations in the source code using apiDoc, and is statically hosted on the Proxygen server.

Local Web Interface

Terragraph provides a proof-of-concept web portal that is accessible over Wi-Fi, with the primary purpose of enabling easy initial setup. This consists of two components: a web server (webui) and UI (tg95).

LED Agent

On Puma hardware, led-agent controls three LED lights to display basic health information.

System Management

The following features are included with Terragraph to assist with system management.

Service Scripts

Terragraph includes scripts to manage its processes using systemd on x86 hosts (e.g. controller) and runit on nodes. The service scripts perform all required environment setup and cleanup for each process. The service managers handle other tasks such as logging and automatic process restarts.


Terragraph nodes contain watchdog processes which detect, repair, and log various faults. Kernel crashes (panics) are also logged.

High Availability

The controller supports a high-availability configuration using a primary-backup protocol. In this setup, two controllers (or "peers") are run on separate machines, and are designated as either "primary" or "backup". If the primary catastrophically fails (e.g. power outage, network failure, hardware failure, etc.), the backup will assume control of the Terragraph network.

BinaryStarApp manages the underlying finite state machine (FSM), heartbeating with the peer via a dedicated socket, and data synchronization with the peer and local apps. Some additional logic resides in the controller's and minion's Broker for failover scenarios.


Terragraph wireless links and wired CPE interfaces can be secured using the IEEE 802.1X standard. Nodes can also apply ip6tables firewall rules via node configuration.

Version Control

Information about code versioning is provided below.

Release Conventions

Terragraph manages its code repository using Git, and releases software with major and minor versions.

Firmware Versioning

Terragraph's wireless firmware is versioned separately from Terragraph software.


  • ZeroMQ - Distributed messaging library
  • Thrift - Meta's interface definition language
  • Open/R - Meta's routing platform
  • DPDK - Data Plane Development Kit
  • VPP - Vector Packet Processing
  • Doxygen - Documentation generator
  • systemd - Linux init system with service management
  • runit - UNIX init scheme with service supervision
  • Proxygen - Meta's C++ HTTP libraries
  • apiDoc - Documentation generator for REST APIs