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Routing Layer

This document gives a high-level description of Terragraph's routing layer.

Network Topology

Terragraph is a wireless mesh network comprised of "distribution nodes" (DN) and "client nodes" (CN). One or more DNs must have fiber connectivity to the Internet, and are designated as a "points of presence" (POP). The remaining DNs are responsible for transferring traffic over multiple hops to and from the CNs. Both DNs and CNs are connection points for wireless access points (APs) and other customer premise equipment (CPE) to connect to the Internet.


About Open/R

Terragraph uses Open/R as its routing platform. Open/R is comprised of several distinct modules, and uses fbthrift for serialization and transit. The core module in Open/R is the distributed, eventually-consistent key-value store, named KvStore, which is used to disseminate information such as routing adjacencies and network prefixes across the entire network; this is used to implement a link-state routing protocol.

In short, Open/R computes routes by building a graph using the adjacency and prefix information in the key-value store. It runs a weighted shortest-paths algorithm to all other nodes, and uses equal-cost multi-path routing (ECMP) when multiple "best paths" exist. The best next-hops are then programmed into hardware.

Open/R's modules are listed below.

KvStoreDistributed key-value store
LinkMonitorLink discovery and monitoring module
SparkNeighbor discovery module
DecisionRoute computation module
FibRoute programming module
PrefixManagerPrefix management module

Open/R CLI

Open/R provides a Python command-line interface, breeze, to interact with each of its modules over Thrift.

In Terragraph, breeze is replaced with a lightweight Lua version called puff. Usage is largely the same, and puff implements most of the original CLI's commands. puff source code resides in src/terragraph-e2e/lua/puff.lua, and unit tests are located in src/terragraph-e2e/lua/tests/puff_test.lua.

Terragraph Routing

Each Terragraph node runs an openr process. On Puma hardware, nodes run an additional fib_vpp process to program routes into VPP's FIB.

To route Internet traffic, all POP sectors advertise a default prefix ::/0, and other sectors forward default traffic to the nearest POP. At the POP sector, egress traffic is handled by either adding static routes in Terragraph's fib implementation or through BGP peering. These POP settings are configured in the popParams structure in the node configuration.

Note that Open/R names nodes by their MAC addresses, but with a different representation from E2E. For example, an E2E MAC address 00:00:00:10:0d:40 is represented in Open/R as node-

For CNs, Open/R supports running in "leaf" mode via the set_leaf_node flag. Leaf nodes will only track a minimal set of keys in KvStore, reducing Open/R's memory footprint. This mode of operation is not in use on Puma hardware.

Open/R on WiGig and Wired interfaces

Open/R by default is enabled on the WiGig terraX interfaces in the node configuration using OPENR_IFACE_REGEX_INCLUDE. Since Open/R can only listen and discover peers on the Linux interfaces, Linux tap interfaces are set up on behalf of its VPP counterparts to allow forwarding of local or "slowpath" traffic (in Puma VPP/Linux split architecture). Open/R discovers WiGig peers over terraX while the actual VPP routing and FIB route programming is through the corresponding vpp-terraX interface.

For Open/R over wired POP interfaces, tapX Linux interface should be added to the OPENR_IFACE_REGEX_INCLUDE regular expression and the routing would be through the loopX L3 interface which functions as a Bridged VLAN interface. This is enabled by default in Puma configuration.

Open/R Usage In E2E

All communication with Open/R occurs through the local openr process on a node; the controller never connects to any node's Open/R sockets directly, but instead issues commands through a minion's OpenrClientApp.

Node Configuration

E2E depends on KvStore to distribute important configuration values that are needed before nodes can reach the controller, such as the controller URL (e2e-ctrl-url) and network seed prefix (e2e-network-prefix). These key-value pairs are located in the kvstoreParams map in the node configuration. Because the key-value store is distributed, only one node needs to have this config set (usually a POP node). These keys get injected during node startup in the pop_config script, and OpenrClientApp periodically polls for them and overwrites unexpected values.

To isolate access to Open/R, OpenrClientApp writes and periodically syncs keys to a file /tmp/mynetworkinfo, which contains a JSON-serialized NetworkInfo Thrift structure. Fields include the controller URL (primary and backup), aggregator URL(s), network seed prefix, and DHCP/BGP configuration. This file is read by the minion's Broker, as well as the stats modules and Terragraph's squire_linux daemon.

The node configuration contains a number of settings for the Open/R program. Before Open/R starts, a configuration template file (/etc/sysconfig/openr_config_template.txt) is filled out using the node configuration and written to /var/run/openr_config.json.

Prefix Allocation

The controller can be set up to centrally allocate node prefixes, in place of the default distributed allocation procedure. If enabled, the controller constructs a StaticAllocation Thrift structure mapping each node name to its prefix. This gets sent to OpenrClientApp, which then sets the KvStore key e2e-network-allocations to this value. Open/R's PrefixAllocator will use this static allocation instead of the network seed prefix (e2e-network-prefix).

MCS-Based Routing

E2E can be configured to automatically adjust Open/R link metrics (i.e. edge weights in the shortest-paths routing graph) based on real-time statistics at each node. Currently, the firmware reports the MCS (modulation and coding scheme index) on each link to the minion's StatusApp approximately every 100ms. The minion will then set the link metric via LinkMonitor so that lower-quality links (i.e. with lower MCS) are used less frequently than better ones. Link metric changes are rate-limited to avoid causing frequent shortest-paths re-computations across the network, using a combination of two methods. First is a dampening algorithm, which ignores reported MCS values until seeing N consecutive values that would either all increase or all decrease the current link metric. The second is a token bucket, which fills at a rate r with a maximum burst size b. Link metric changes are only allowed when a token is available. Relevant options are located in the openrParams.linkMetricConfig structure in the node configuration. All link metrics are effectively 1 by default. OpenrClientApp periodically polls link metric information from LinkMonitor and overwrites any unexpected values.

Soft Draining

Individual links can be "soft drained" via the per-link parameters in the node configuration, located at linkParamsOverride.<macAddr>.openrLinkParams.softDisable. A soft-drained link simply has a very high link metric (100000), and will be avoided unless no other paths are possible. This configuration is handled by OpenrClientApp, which sets the link metric in LinkMonitor in the same procedure as described above.

Similar to soft draining, links can have fixed metrics assigned to them via the same procedure. This setting is defined in the node configuration at linkParamsOverride.<macAddr>.openrLinkParams.fixedMetric.

Routing Queries

The controller exposes an API to fetch all shortest routes between a source and destination node. TopologyApp periodically queries a node for a dump of adjacencies (AdjacencyDatabase) and prefixes (PrefixDatabase) in KvStore for the entire network. To answer route queries, TopologyApp then runs the Fib shortest paths solver recursively from the source to destination node, recording the best-hop at each step.

BGP Implementation

Terragraph supports multiple BGP daemons. Logic for managing BGP applications is captured in a BGP wrapper script (/usr/sbin/ Currently, Terragraph uses ExaBGP by default, but will fall back on FRRouting if ExaBGP is not installed. E2E monitors BGP status on PoP nodes via calls to the respective CLIs in the BgpUtils class.

A custom init.d script is installed to gracefully shut down BGP connections before reboot (/etc/init.d/bgp_softshut). This will stop the BGP daemon and send a BGP Cease Notification message to peers, withdraw the default route from Open/R, and briefly wait while transit traffic drains from links.

This section will describe Terragraph's BGP implementations for VPP-based platforms only.


ExaBGP is a Python-based BGP application offering easy programmatic control. exabgpcli exists to check ExaBGP state, operating on named pipes (/run/exabgp/, /run/exabgp/exabgp.out).

ExaBGP forks a plugin named exabgp-to-openr which parses BGP messages in JSON format, redistributes learned prefixes, and produces JSON to advertise prefixes. The plugin exports and health-checks routes via a Thrift API to fib_vpp and Open/R. fib_vpp installs the best routes into VPP's FIB. exabgp-to-openr also performs health checks before the PoP node will advertise a prefix to its BGP peers via OpenRChecker, which ensures that the PoP node has an allocated prefix (on Linux's lo interface) or the Open/R RIB has a subnet in the desired prefix to advertise. Lastly, the plugin dynamically advertises/withdraws CPE prefixes found in Open/R to BGP peers.

As ExaBGP starts up, a configuration generation process (exaconf) is run to pull information from node configuration (popParams and bgpParams) and generate the following files:

  • /data/etc/exabgp/aioexabgp.conf: JSON configuration controlling what prefixes to advertise and learn
  • /data/etc/exabgp/exabgp.conf: Standard ExaBGP configuration to control who to peer with

Useful log files are:

  • /var/log/exabgp/current: ExaBGP configuration generation and operation logs
  • /var/log/pop_config/current: Output from configuring the node to be a PoP


FRRouting (or FRR) is a C-based suite of network routing protocols originally forked from Quagga. It provides a long list of protocol daemons (such as bgpd) which are centrally managed by a zebra process to handle communications with the data plane. A unified shell, vtysh, exists to interface with all daemons.

The BGP wrapper script starts all services used by FRR:

  • bgpd - The FRR BGP daemon. The startup script generates the initial configuration file, /var/run/bgpd.conf, from the node configuration via src/terragraph-e2e/lua/update_bgpd_conf.lua.
  • zebra - The FRR Zebra daemon. Zebra exposes a "FIB push" interface via a Forwarding Plane Manager (FPM) module, which allows an external process to connect and receive a complete copy of the forwarding tables over Netlink messages.
  • frr_openr_sync - A Lua service which connects to Zebra's FPM socket and syncs BGP routes with the FIB (add/delete via Thrift API to Fib agent) and Open/R (advertise/withdraw via breeze CLI).
  • frr_bgp_healthcheck - A Lua service which health-checks and manages the announcement of routes to bgpd. The service monitors all Terragraph prefixes from the node configuration to ensure reachability before advertising them to BGP peers (i.e. PoP loopback prefix is within the desired prefix, or the Open/R RIB has a subnet in the desired prefix), and also monitors all CPE prefixes found in Open/R. Any changes to advertised BGP routes are dynamically applied to the FRR configuration via the frr-reload utility (see below).


The frr-reload utility (src/terragraph-e2e/lua/frr_reload.lua) is a Lua port of the Python script distributed with FRR. This utility compares two FRR configurations (e.g. the running configuration against a desired configuration file) and runs a sequence of vtysh commands to achieve the target configuration without restarting any daemons. Only relevant portions of the script, relating to BGP features discussed above, have been ported, and other unused configuration sections are not implemented.

The script uses two internal classes to model FRR configuration:

  1. Context - Represents a section of the configuration, where a context is loosely defined as a series of lines with a unique configuration meaning when grouped together. Some single-line contexts exist as well.
  2. Config - Groups together all unique contexts of the configuration.

Contexts are parsed in Config:loadContexts() and compared in FrrReloadUtils.compareContextObjects(). Applying the FRR configuration changes requires two passes, where deletions of lines occurs only in the first pass.

Routing for IPv4

Terragraph is a native IPv6 network. To enable IPv4-only Terragraph deployments, where both access networks and/or ISP networks can be IPv4, a combination of L2 tunneling and NAT64 is recommended. L2 tunnels will be set up for all data-plane traffic between POP nodes and CNs encapsulating IPv4 traffic with the appropriate tunnel headers. NAT64 will handle IPv4 control-plane traffic to Terragraph cloud services (e.g. E2E, NMS, Kafka, Fluentd).

L2 Tunneling

Terragraph supports SRv6 and VXLAN tunneling options for data-plane traffic between the POP nodes and CNs (currently only in VPP mode).


SRv6 (Segment Routing) is the recommended solution for L2 tunneling, as it provides a modular framework for L2 tunneling with SRv6 "segments" using the native IPv6 header. An SRv6 L2 tunnel can be formed between a POP DN and a CN by encapsulating an IPv6 header and SRv6 segment headers over an L2 frame carrying IPv4 traffic.

To create an SRv6 L2 tunnel originating from a POP node and terminating at a CN, an SRv6 encapsulation policy is defined on the POP interface (popParams.POP_IFACE) or it's VLAN sub-interface, which adds IPv6 + SRv6 headers on all L2 frames received on that interface. The destination for the encapsulated SRv6 packets is an SRv6 decapsulation policy on the CN's physical CPE interfaces. The CN's decapsulation policy then removes the IPv6 + SRv6 headers and send the L2 frames out to the CPE interface. Thus an SRv6 L2 tunnel in the Terragraph network is a single SRv6 segment from one node to another. The reverse tunnel from CN to POP node will have to be set up with the appropriate encapsulation and decapsulation SRv6 policies.

In VPP mode, Terragraph supports multiple SRv6 tunnels on a single physical interface with the help of 802.1Q VLANs by creating corresponding sub-interfaces and adding SRv6 policies on the individual sub-interfaces. This enables Terragraph operators to deploy multiple SRv6 tunnels from a POP node to multiple CNs (for a MDU deployment) with each L2 tunnel having a unique combination of VLAN, source and destination IP addresses. Hence there is a requirement for all upstream and downstream traffic to be tagged correctly with a unique C-VLAN tag.

The SRv6 tunnel source and destination IPv6 addresses are formed from the node's own /64 address and the tunnel's VLAN ID (C-VLAN tag). An SRv6 source (encapsulation) IPv6 address is derived by adding the C-VLAN tag to :1001 along with the node's /64 prefix. Similarly, the SRv6 destination (decapsulation) address uses the C-VLAN tag added and a base :2001 address.

Since SRv6 uses native IPv6 headers and the tunnel IP addresses are derived from the node /64 prefixes, Open/R automatically handles the routing for the SRv6 packets without additional configuration.


VXLAN (Virtual Extensible LAN) is another tunnel option that is supported in VPP mode. VXLAN is an L2 overlay network over existing L3 networks and is well-supported in both VPP and the Linux kernel. A VXLAN tunnel is formed between two endpoints (via source and destination IP addresses) and encapsulates an additional IPv6 + UDP + VXLAN header (56 bytes) on top of the L2 frames that POP nodes and CNs receive over the wired interfaces. On POP nodes, the VXLAN tunnel interfaces are created in bridge mode and added to the existing POP bridge containing the POP interface. For CNs, the VXLAN tunnel interface is cross-connected to the physical interface. Currently, all VXLAN tunnels are placed on the same POP bridge and VLANs will be supported in the future.

VXLAN tunnel redundancy is supported in VPP mode. A backup VXLAN tunnel can be optionally configured on CNs. A tunnel will be considered a backup tunnel if tunnelParams.primaryTunnelName is present, and the value should be the name of its corresponding primary tunnel. The primary tunnel is always the first choice for carrying traffic. A CN will only switch to the backup tunnel if it detects that the primary tunnel's destination node is unreachable. Once the destination node of the primary tunnel is back online, the CN will switch back to the primary tunnel.

L2 Tunnel Configuration

L2 tunneling can be enabled via the tunnelConfig node configuration field, as illustrated below:

"tunnelConfig": {
"tunnel1": {
"enabled": true,
"localInterface": "TenGigabitEthernet0",
"dstIp": "2001::1",
"dstNodeName": "node-fe-19-50-01-00-8f",
"tunnelType": "VXLAN",
"tunnelParams": {
"vlanId": 100
"tunnel2": {
"enabled": true,
"localInterface": "TenGigabitEthernet0",
"dstIp": "3001::1",
"dstNodeName": "node-fe-19-22-90-10-ef",
"tunnelType": "VXLAN",
"tunnelParams": {
"vlanId": 100,
"primaryTunnelName": "tunnel1"

A tunnelConfig in each direction (between a POP node and CN) is required for bi-directional traffic. While only SRv6 and VXLAN are fully supported in VPP, any of SRV6, VXLAN, or L2GRE can be configured. The dstIp field is auto-populated by the E2E controller using the given dstNodeName.

The vpp_chaperone service uses these values to configure the L2 tunnels appropriately based on node type and tunnel type. For POP nodes, the POP interface (popParams.POP_IFACE) should be the tunnel's localInterface and is the source interface for encapsulation. For CNs, localInterface should be the CPE interface.


Terragraph networks require an IPv6 connection between the Terragraph cloud services (e.g. E2E/NMS) and the nodes. To support IPv4 E2E/NMS, NAT64 (Network Address Translation) on the POP 10G interface is the recommended solution to convert control-place traffic between IPv4 and IPv6.

Stateful NAT64 is supported natively in VPP, and via the Jool modules in the Linux kernel. With stateful NAT64, the POP node's NAT64 interface exposes only one IPv4 address to an external IPv4 host (e.g. E2E/NMS). For each IPv4 address seen, it creates a flow using a unique port and performs associated translations.

NAT64 is intended to be deployed only for control-plane traffic, and thus will only be enabled on the POP interface (popParams.POP_IFACE). Within the IPv4 network, the IPv4 cloud services will only see a single IPv4 address (envParams.NAT64_IPV4_ADDR) and use that to communicate with the IPv6 Terragraph network.

Terragraph uses static routing to handle IPv4 egress traffic. If E2E/NMS and POP node(s) are deployed on different subnets, each POP node must enable static routing (popParams.POP_STATIC_ROUTING) and specify the IPv4 address of the upstream router (popParams.GW_ADDR).

NAT64 can be enabled via the node configuration fields shown below:

"popParams": {
"NAT64_IPV4_ADDR": "",
"NAT64_IPV6_PREFIX": "64:ff9b::/96",
"GW_ADDR": "",
"kvstoreParams": {
"e2e-ctrl-url": "tcp://[64:ff9b::]:7012"

External IPv4 addresses will be embedded with an IPv6 NAT64 prefix configured through NAT64_IPV6_PREFIX (e.g. the well-known NAT64 prefix 64:ff9b::/96). The resulting IPv6 prefix (e.g. 64:ff9b:: will be used by the IPv6 Terragraph nodes to communicate with the IPv4 cloud services. These cloud services (and any other external IPv4 endpoints) must be configured with the IPv6 representations for each IPv4 address.

Policing and Classification

Packets that arrive on CPE interfaces with policers enabled in VPP are first classified according to the DSCP field in the packet's L3 header. Inbound traffic is expected to be marked with DSCP corresponding to one of the assured forwarding (AF) classes with low drop precedence (AFx1). Thus, the policer is configured to recognize the DSCP values corresponding to each AFx1 class. All other traffic will be treated by the policer as traffic class 3, green (AF11). The policer will mark traffic using a two-rate/three-color policing function in accordance with the assured forwarding per-hop-behavior (AF PHB) defined in RFC 2597. The standard defines 4 traffic classes and 3 colors per class. The AF DSCP codes and names are as follows:

Class 1Class 2Class 3Class 4
GreenAF11 (10)AF21 (18)AF31 (26)AF41 (34)
YellowAF12 (12)AF22 (20)AF32 (28)AF42 (36)
RedAF13 (14)AF23 (22)AF33 (30)AF43 (38)

VPP is configured to use a two-rate/three-color policing function following RFC 4115. A committed information rate (CIR) and excess information rate (EIR) are defined for each traffic class. The peak information rate (PIR) is the sum of the CIR and EIR. Committed burst size (CBS) and excess burst size (EBS) are currently not manually configurable, and are set as the CIR and EIR values over 1 second, respectively. Traffic arriving under the CIR is marked green. Traffic arriving over the CIR but under the PIR is marked yellow, and traffic over the PIR is dropped (red). When the EIR is set as 0, a one-rate/two-color policer will be created instead of a two-rate/three-color policer. Traffic under the CIR will be marked green, and all other traffic will be dropped. The CIR and EIR are set in node configuration like so:

"cpeConfig": {
"TenGigabitEthernet0": {
"policers": {
"0": {"cir": 1000, "eir": 2000},
"1": {"cir": 1000, "eir": 2000},
"2": {"cir": 1000, "eir": 2000},
"3": {"cir": 1000, "eir": 2000}

cir and eir are both in units of kilobytes per second.

In VPP the policers are bound to network interfaces by first defining a classification table for that interface, then creating policers that match bits in the packet header, assigning policing sessions to the classification table, and finally associating the classification table with a network interface. vpp_chaperone performs these actions according to the node configuration settings.

The packet classification process is illustrated below:

HQoS Configuration

Packets that reach the WiGig net interfaces are scheduled by the TG HQoS module in VPP. Each DSCP value a packet may hold has a corresponding traffic class, color, and queue.

HQoS configuration is only supported on platforms using the VPP DPDK plugin.

Terragraph's HQoS hierarchy uses 16 pipes per port (1 per WiGig peer), 4 traffic classes per pipe, and 1 queue per traffic class. The number of traffic classes and queues are determined by the constants TGHQOS_SCHED_TRAFFIC_CLASSES_PER_PIPE and TGHQOS_SCHED_QUEUES_PER_TRAFFIC_CLASS, and they can be modified to provide more traffic classes or queues as necessary.

Compiled defaults for all configurations are found in vpp/src/plugins/dpdk/tghqos/tghqos.c.


The DSCP to TC/color can be inspected by executing the following vppctl command:

vpp# tghqos show interface <WiGig netif name>
Packet IPv6 DSCP field is used for tc, color, queue:
IPv6 DSCP data position offset: 8
IPv6 DSCP data bitmask: 0x0000000000000fc0
Stats are being cleared on read: 1
TC translation table: ([Mapped Value Range]: tc/queue/color tc/queue/color ...)
[ 0 .. 7]: 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y
[ 8 .. 15]: 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/G 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/R 3/0/Y
[16 .. 23]: 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 2/0/G 3/0/Y 2/0/Y 3/0/Y 2/0/R 3/0/Y
[24 .. 31]: 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 1/0/G 3/0/Y 1/0/Y 3/0/Y 1/0/R 3/0/Y
[32 .. 39]: 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 0/0/G 3/0/Y 0/0/Y 3/0/Y 0/0/R 3/0/Y
[40 .. 47]: 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y
[48 .. 55]: 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y
[56 .. 63]: 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y 3/0/Y
Rate = 275000000 bytes/second

The above TC translation table is the default table when VPP launches. The TC table may be directly edited from vppctl with the following command:

tghqos set tctbl entry <dscp> tc <tc> queue <queue> color <color>


vpp_chaperone will edit the default TC translation table on boot according to the node configuration. The TC translation table can be configured with the following schema:

"qosConfig": {
"dscpEntries": {
"0": {"tc":3, "queue":0, "color":"Y"},
"1": {"tc":2, "queue":0, "color":"Y"},
"2": {"tc":2, "queue":0, "color":"Y"},
"3": {"tc":1, "queue":0, "color":"G"}

Each entry in the TC table mapping is keyed on the DSCP value. Like the vppctl command, the value of each entry has three attributes, tc, queue, and color. tc may be valued [0, 3], queue may only have value 0, and color may be R, G, or Y. Any number of DSCP entries can be specified under mapping. Missing DSCP entries take the default value.

Weighted Round Robin Scheduling

Weighted round robin scheduling can be enabled for all interfaces using the VPP startup configuration option tghqos scheduling <sched_alg> in the VPP startup configuration file (/var/run/vpp/startup.conf). Traffic classes are assigned a priority and a weight which can be configured with the VPP startup configuration option tghqos tc <tc> priority <priority_level> weight <weight>. Example:

tghqos {
scheduling wrr
tc 0 priority 1 weight 16

These can also be configured for an interface with the vppctl commands, tghqos set interface scheduling <WiGig netif name> <sched_alg> and tghqos set interface wrr <WiGig netif name> tc <tc> priority <priority> weight <weight>.

Configurations for each interface can be read with the command tghqos show interface <WiGig netif name>.

CPE Configuration

This section briefly describes some implementation details around CPE configuration for features which are not already covered above.

Terragraph nodes support one CPE interface in kernel mode and multiple CPE interfaces in VPP mode. On Puma, a node can have up to 4 CPE interfaces.

CPE interface prefixes can be either manually assigned or automatically derived based on node prefix. Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) and Router Advertisement are configured on CPE interfaces automatically to enable prefix assignment for CPE devices.

  • In VPP mode, vpp_chaperone performs all CPE interface configuration. DHCPv6 prefix allocation for CPE devices is also supported through a DHCP relay via the cpeConfig.TenGigabitEthernetX.dhcpRelay node configuration field.
  • In kernel mode, the squire_linux service configures and launches the radvd and/or dhcpd daemons to program CPE prefixes and routes into Linux.

A separate cpe_operations program handles CPE interface events, advertises/withdraws CPE prefixes from Open/R, and manages hostapd instances per CPE interface to provide 802.1X (see Wired Security for details). This program is invoked periodically by the coop service.


  • BGP - Border Gateway Protocol
  • ExaBGP - Python-based BGP implementation
  • FRRouting - C-based routing protocol suite
  • FIB - Forwarding Information Base
  • Open/R - Meta's routing platform
  • Thrift - Meta's interface definition language
  • fbthrift - Meta's branch of Apache Thrift
  • VPP - Vector Packet Processing
  • Jool - SIIT and NAT64 for Linux