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Wireless Security

Terragraph links support WPA-PSK and IEEE 802.1X for security. Refer to Link-Layer Security for more details.

Wired Security

Terragraph provides CPE interface security using the IEEE 802.1X standard. Security can be enabled on each CPE interface independently by setting wiredSecurityEnable in the node configuration, as well as eapolParams, for example:

"cpeConfig": {
"TenGigabitEthernet0": {
"wiredSecurityEnable": true
"eapolParams": {
"ca_cert_path": "/data/secure/keys/ca.pem",
"client_cert_path": "/data/secure/keys/client.pem",
"private_key_path": "/data/secure/keys/client.key",
"radius_server_ip": "1234:5678:9abc::def",
"radius_server_port": 1812,
"radius_user_identity": "some-user",
"secrets": {
"private_key_password": "some-passphrase",
"radius_server_shared_secret": "some-secret",
"radius_user_password": "some-password"

When enabled, the CPE interface will only allow EAPoL frames to pass, and will drop all other packets until successful authentication. This EAPoL-only forwarding is only supported in VPP mode, and is implemented in the vpp-tgcfg plugin via the "wired security" interface configuration option.

802.1X authentication involves three parties: an authentication server, an authenticator, and a supplicant.

Authentication Server

IEEE 802.1X requires an authentication server that can tell the authenticator if a connection is to be allowed. Terragraph expects an authentication server that supports the RADIUS and EAP protocols. The authentication server must be reachable by the authenticator (CN or DN with CPE interface enabled).


When wired security is enabled on a CPE interface, the CPE interface takes the role of the authenticator. The Terragraph node is responsible for managing one Linux authenticator process (hostapd) for each CPE interface with wired security enabled, which is configured and launched by the script. Logs for these processes are written to /tmp/hostapd_<iface>. The authenticator will be restarted upon CPE interface state changes. So, if a CPE device is removed or replaced, it is strongly recommended to shut down CPE interface before adding the new device (currently, Terragraph isn't able to automatically detect connection change and re-authenticate the same CPE interface).


The supplicant refers to the CPE device connecting over the Terragraph CPE interface and sending traffic through the Terragraph network. It is expected that each CPE device has pre-provisioned certificates and runs a Linux supplicant process (wpa_supplicant) on the interface that connects to the Terragraph node.

Firewall Configuration

Terragraph nodes are able to apply ip6tables firewall rules via node configuration and the /usr/bin/update_firewall script. This does not support filtering of throughput traffic, but can protect traffic destined to Linux itself. More specifically:

  • The rules only modify the INPUT table.
  • The FORWARD table is always left to ACCEPT all.
  • The OUTPUT table is always left to ACCEPT all.

Configuration Options

Terragraph's simple ip6tables implementation allows the following options under the firewallConfig node configuration structure:

  • allowEstalished: Allow already-established connections (recommended).
  • allowICMPv6: Allow all ICMPv6 traffic (recommended).
  • allowLinkLocal: Allow any packets from source prefix fe80::/10 (important for Open/R's Spark module).
  • allowLoopback: Allow anything destined to the lo interface. This is NOT recommended, as it effectively allows anything to the management address, but could be handy for debugging if firewall issues are suspected.
  • defaultPolicy: Set the table to ACCEPT or DROP by default (default is ACCEPT).
  • tcpPorts: TCP ports to open from any address. This is a comma-separated list, e.g. "22,179". It is recommended to always keep 22 (SSH) and 179 (BGP) open.
  • udpPorts: UDP ports to open from any address. This is a comma-separated list. It is recommended to always keep 123 (NTP) open.