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This document describes the design and implementation of scripts and helper applications that implement unit-level, autonomous state of health monitoring in Terragraph nodes. This monitoring system detects, repairs, and logs various faults.

General Watchdog Concepts

Hardware watchdog

The hardware watchdog is a feature of ARM, NXP, and most other CPUs. When enabled, a watchdog register is decremented every clock cycle, and when it reaches zero or rolls over, the processor resets.

To prevent the hardware watchdog from resetting, software needs to keep writing to it. This reset prevention is called "kicking the watchdog". Normally the watchdog kicks are deliberately stopped to ensure a certain reset, but sometimes Linux crashes, resulting in a surprise reset. Terragraph detects and logs "dirty" resets, and also collects context logs.

Software watchdog

The software watchdog (i.e. watchdog daemon) is a fairly standard Linux application that kicks the hardware watchdog every second. Other software watchdog actions include monitoring memory, disk space, temperature, ping, etc. (refer to the "man" pages in the software watchdog distribution). If the software watchdog detects an unrepairable failure, it kills all processes, unmounts all partitions, and stops kicking the hardware watchdog in order to ensure a certain reset.

The watchdog daemon can also execute user-defined test/repair scripts, and Terragraph uses this feature to perform platform-specific monitoring. The daemon uses the exit code from the test scripts to decide what action to take.

Watchdog CLI script

The watchdog CLI, /etc/init.d/, is a Bash script that starts and stops the watchdog daemon, and also performs Terragraph-specific watchdog state changes. It is based on the wd_keepalive.init Yocto init script.

Test/repair scripts

The test/repair scripts are located in /etc/watchdog.d/, and are executed concurrently by the watchdog daemon every second. There are four Terragraph test/repair scripts (some of these execute several tests sequentially):


The daemon invokes each test/repair script with the following arguments: test or repair <error_code>.

  • The test invocation of the scripts return 0 to indicate success, or a non-zero error code to indicate failure.
  • The repair invocation of the monitoring scripts only happens on errors.
  • The watchdog daemon passes the error code from the test invocation to the repair invocation.
  • The repair invocation can request a reboot by exiting with a non-zero value.

Terragraph Watchdog

CPU core affinity

The watchdog daemon and the scripts that it invokes all run on one particular CPU core selected explicitly in the startdaemon() function in the CLI script.


Watchdog-related configuration files are shown in the table below.

Config FileDescription
/etc/monit_config.shParameters for each Terragraph watchdog test (e.g. deadlines, indicator file names).
/etc/watchdog.confLinux watchdog daemon configuration (e.g. timeouts for the test and repair phases, invocation interval). Note that if a test/repair script blocks for too long, the daemon reboots.

Scripts and helper applications

Other watchdog-related scripts and applications are shown in the table below.

get_pop_ipLuaGet the IP of every known PoP node from Open/R's KvStore.
link_monit.shBashTest/repair script that performs multiple tests.
monit_init.shBashReset the watchdog state on reboot and on e2e_minion restart.
monit_utils.shBashHelper functions.
monotonic-touchCSet and retrieve CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW file timestamps.
pop_reachable_monit.shBashTest/repair script that performs multiple tests.
progress_monit.shBashTest/repair script that performs multiple tests.
persist_event_cache.shBashSave/load untransmitted events persisted in flash (including watchdog events).
persist_reboot_history.shBashManage /data/log/reboot_history log.
persist_remaining_gps_timeout.shBashSave/load the remaining GPS fault timeout in flash.
pop_unreachable_cmd.pyPythonCollect traceroute logs when no PoP node is reachable.
restart_e2e_minion.shBashStart and stop e2e_minion with retries.
testcodeBashManage the "testcode" upgrade state, and display TG image info.
tg_shutdownBashInvokes persist_xxx scripts at shutdown and rotates logs.
watchdog.shBashCLI for watchdog daemon and Terragraph tests
/usr/sbin/watchdogCThe linux watchdog daemon.

E2E software interaction with the watchdog

The E2E minion interacts with the watchdog as shown in the table below.

E2E minion moduleWatchdog interaction
WatchdogUtils helper classEncapsulates watchdog functionality (set empty --watchdog_path flag to disable minion/watchdog interactions)
Progress helper classSets file timestamps of indicator files to the current monotonic time, using the same clock (CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW) as the monotonic-touch watchdog helper application. Creates the indicator files when necessary.
Minion main event loop
  • Reports event loop progress.
  • If the e2e_minion event loop is dead, then the watchdog does not intervene when firmware health messages cease, and lets the runsv services monitor restart e2e_minon (and reload the baseband firmware).
  • If the e2e_minion event loop is running and firmware health messages cease, then the watchdog assumes that the baseband firmware has crashed, or the datapath from the firmware to Linux is dead - and the watchdog intervenes, collects logs, and restarts e2e_minion (along with the baseband firmware). See the Watchdog Fault Table for more details.
ArmDriverIfprocessFwHealthyMessage() reports firmware and gps health to the watchdog.
  • processRebootNode() rejects unforced reboot command in the "testcode" upgrade states. Reboot in this state could cause a surprise image rollback. Note that the "testcode" states are monitored by the watchdog.
  • processStatusReportAck() reports controller status acknowledgments to the watchdog. These indicate that the node is "connected" to the controller.
UpgradeAppprocessMessage() temporarily disables most Terragraph watchdogs during each upgrade phase. This reduces the possibility of dangerous flash corruptions (e.g. during bootloader update), and also avoids losing upgrade states. Note that the watchdog automatically re-enables itself when the disable period expires.

Platform software interaction with the watchdog

The platform software interacts with the watchdog as shown in the table below.

Platform softwareWatchdog interaction
Wi-Fi (Puma) message servermessageHandler() temporarily disables most Terragraph watchdogs while processing commands. Wireless command messages include a field for the watchdog disable time period. There is also a standalone wireless command (WATCHDOG) to temporarily disable or re-enable the watchdog. Note that the watchdog automatically re-enables itself when the disable time period expires. startup script
  • Kicks off configuration fallback monitoring when the current startup/reboot was required to apply the new configuration.
  • Performs configuration rollback in different image fallback states:
    1. No upgrade or fallback is in progress.
    2. The current startup/reboot reverted the upgrade image, and need to roll back to the pre-upgrade configuration. See the Watchdog Fault Table for more information about "testcode" faults.
  • Note that the primary function of the startup script is to (re)initialize and mount the /data flash partition.


flock is used by the watchdog for the following purposes:

  • Ensure that repair actions don't run concurrently.
  • Ensure that only one watchdog thread/script shuts down.
  • Synchronize state updates which can happen from different contexts. For example, the watchdog can be disabled for a fixed time period by a user and also by the E2E minion during upgrades; config rollback states are set by the watchdog and also by the ConfigApp in the E2E minion.

Indicator files are used for the following purposes:

  • Prevent the re-execution of a test script before the corresponding repair invocation is done (this is a feature/bug in the watchdog daemon).
  • Skip the testing logic by returning 0 ("OK") to the daemon when a shutdown/reboot is in progress.

Watchdog state

The runtime state of the watchdog is comprised of indicator files and a few data files in /var/volatile/progress. The state is mostly a collection of timestamps of various past events, and some deadlines. File timestamps are used to keep event/deadline times using a monotonic clock (CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW). Scripts use the monotonic_touch helper application to "touch" indicator files with current or future monotonic time.

Some watchdog state (e.g. remaining GPS timeout, unsent watchdog events) needs to be persisted across reboots, and is saved temporarily in /data at shutdown.

Test/repair scripting considerations

Don't write to stdout (or stderr) from the test/repair scripts

Most of the test/repair functions write "0" or "1" to stdout to indicate success/failure. Random output by linux commands can result in surprise test failures and repair failures causing a reboot.

# Unsafe
sv restart fib_nss

# Safe
sv restart fib_nss >/dev/null 2>/dev/null

Set a timeout for commands that may take a while in test/repair scripts

The test and repair phases both have deadlines set in /etc/watchdog.conf. The watchdog daemon reboots when these deadlines are exceeded.

# Unsafe /dev/ttyS1

# Safe (timeout values here are only examples)
timeout -k 1 10 /dev/ttyS1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
# Oops. Timed out. Handle timeout explicitly.

Debugging the watchdog

Three methods for debugging the watchdog are described below.

Monitor test/repair script errors

Error logs are kept for both the test and the repair phases in /var/log/watchdog. These error log files are normally empty, which means that there were no script errors.

$ ls -l /var/log/watchdog/
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 30 20:57 repair-bin.stderr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 30 20:57 repair-bin.stdout
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 30 20:57 test-bin.stderr
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Jun 30 20:41 test-bin.stdout

Use the debug logs

The test/repair scripts report internal states on every invocation. This debug logging functionality is implemented by monit_debug() in The debug logs are test-script specific, have a monotonic timestamp, and appear in /data/log/wdog. Note that these logs are not rotated and can fill up the flash.

Debug logging can be enabled/disabled in two ways:

# Enable/disable debug logging until the next reboot
$ /etc/init.d/ en_logs
$ /etc/init.d/ dis_logs

# Enable/disable debug logging permanently
$ touch /data/log/wdog/wdog_log_enable
$ rm -f /data/log/wdog/wdog_log_enable

Observe the operator watchdog logs and the watchdog state

The normal reboot and watchdog logs are helpful for debugging issues:

  • /var/log/wdog_repair_history
  • /var/log/wdog_repair_history.2
  • /data/log/reboot_history
  • /data/log/reboot_history.2

To observe most of the runtime state, execute the following command (note that monotonic-touch -t prints the current monotonic time):

$ watch -n 1 'monotonic-touch -t; for f in $(find /var/volatile/progress -type f | sort); \
do echo -n "$f ";stat -c %Y $f; done'

Test entry points

The "entry point" is the name of the main bash function for each test. Note that some tests have helper functions, and others are implemented by test logic embedded in the main test_xxx() function that is called when the test script is invoked with the "test" argument by the watchdog daemon.

Puma watchdog test entry points

DescriptionScriptBash FunctionNotes
Monitor the "testcode" upgrade state.progress_monit.shtest_testcode_fallback()In the "testcode" state, the unit is running ("testing") an upgrade image from the secondary boot partition. A reboot for any reason will cause a rollback to the original image in the primary boot partition. This watchdog reboots if the new image (specifically, e2e_minion) fails to connect to the controller by a deadline.
Re-enable the disabled watchdogs.progress_monit.shtimed_enable_tgscripts()Most watchdogs can be disabled safely for a fixed period of time via the CLI by running /etc/init.d/ dis <minutes>. This watchdog re-enables the disabled watchdogs at the deadline set by the CLI.
Monitor GPS sanity.progress_monit.shtest_gps()See the Watchdog Fault Table for details.
A baseband card was unable to form RF links for about 15 minutes.progress_monit.shtest_prog()See the Watchdog Fault Table for details.
Baseband firmware or datapath timeout/crash.progress_monit.shtest_prog()There are two different failure modes. See the Watchdog Fault Table for details.
Monitor /tmp full.pop_reachable_monit.shtest_fsys()n/a
Monitor /data full.pop_reachable_monit.shtest_fsys()n/a
Roll back bad configuration (specifically, new node configuration that prevents connecting to the controller).pop_reachable_monit.shtest_config_fallback()There are several different failure modes. See the Watchdog Fault Table for details.
Test PoP node reachability.pop_reachable_monit.shtest_pop_reachable()See the Watchdog Fault Table for details.
No RF peer is reachable, although some RF links are up.link_monit.shtest_link()n/a
